Aashna: Don't be so upset.

Unnati(almost crying): I am trying my best. I don't know why things would become like this.

Aashna: Don't cry. I will tell you the earth is so cruel, just like this. We can move away tomorrow, back to Mars. How's it?

Unnati(sitting up straight): You think I should go and find Mr.Aditya again?

Aashna: I would say you better don't. Don't find yourself more trouble. You are already upset right now. This thing will only become worse. (She noticed she was sad) If you are so upset, you can quit and come to my company.

Unnati: Are you feeling happy there?

Aashna: Yes, pretty happy. You don't care about me. I changed to a new company. It's a small company. It's name is Bloom Company. It's a new company. I have just worked there for a week but the people there are nice. All are youngsters. They call me Miss.Aashna when they meet me. 

Unnati(sad): It sounds happy. 

Aashna(holding her hands): Don't be so sad. If you are really upset to work there, you can quit and come here. 

Unnati looks at her and lays her head back on sofa.

Aashna: Look at you so pitiful.(She takes the tissue and wipes her tears) Here, wipe your tears. Don't cry. You will be ugly if you keep crying like this. 

Later, Unnati was in the kitchen, searching for something to eat when she remembered her talk with Mr.Aditya.

Aditya: Thank you for your praise miss. But please think calmly, one should know what he can do and what he can't do. This is called self knowledge. Assistant Unnati, you seem to be new in this industry. I will give you a suggestion. Change your job before you are dyed into black. He can't be a singer. Even god can't help him. 

She runs from the kitchen to the living room where Aashna is sitting.

Unnati: Aashna, this thing won't end this easily. I was talking to him sincerely. This thing is not right. I didn't want to offend him. Why would he say like that? I must find him again and explain him this face to face. He can't misunderstand me. 

Aashna(surprised): How can you be so stubborn, Unnati? 

She left from there stomping her feet. 

Aashna: Fine, as long as you are happy. 

Unnati reached the place where she met Mr.Aditya last time. A group of girls were also standing there. Unnati saw Mr.Aditya coming out from the building. She shouted his name but he didn't listen. A girl from the group came and asked Unnati who is Mr.Aditya. Unnati told her.

Girl: Who is Mr.Aditya?

Unnati(pointing towards him): The man with a pair of glass and in suit. 

Mr.Aditya was walking when he passed by them. Unnati was standing in front of the girls. As soon as he was going to pass by them. The girl shouted.

Girl: He's the one. 

All the girls started throwing things on him like paper rolls.

Girl: How dare you diss our Manav?

Unnati was trying to stop them but they were too many and she was alone.

Mr.Aditya(trying to protect himself by keeping his bag in front of him): What are you doing? Stop.

Girl: Go to hell, Aditya! How dare you diss our idol.

Unnati was trying to stop them but all of them came in front of her and were throwing things at him. 

Aditya: Unnati, how could you ask someone to beat me? I will  remember you.

Unnati: No, it's not me.

Unnati tried to explain but she was at the back. Her voice couldn't reach him. He ran from there.

Aditya(running because the girls were running after him): Unnati Malharkar.....Unnati!!! You asked someone to diss me!

Unnati was left there confused. She couldn't understand what happened at the moment and how she was blamed for something she didn't do. 

That's it for this chapter. hope you enjoyed reading this one.

Also, How do you think Manav will react to this incident?

Stay tuned for the next chapter because I might update one more chapter today. Do vote and comment. Love you all. Thanks for reading!

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