Part 2 : Random Facts

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PART 1 : (a) Characters That Never Made It Into Books

1. Jessica Nelson (Marcus' older sister)

Technically there is a Jessica in the book, but originally she was supposed to be Marcus' older sister, and not his aunt.

"Where are you going?" I yelped at the sound of my sister's voice, before whipping around to find her standing at the top of the stairs. Her long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail as her sea-green eyes narrowed down at me.

"Jeez, don't do that, Jess," I said as I clutched my chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Where are you going?" She repeated.

"To meet up with Adrian," I told her and she frowned.

2. Elliot Scott (Marcus' ex-boyfriend)

He stood a few inches above six feet as he looked down at me, his chocolate brown eyes locked with mine. He smiled at me, the same overly sweet smile that used to make me melt, I didn't melt this time. I stood firm on my two feet as I narrowed my eyes before crossing my arms over my chest.

"What do you want?" I said in a bitter tone. He flinched before his smile dropped and he stepped back.

"I missed you," he said and I rolled my eyes. He didn't get to say that, not after what he did to me. He broke my heart. Left me shattered and never even apologized. He didn't get to come into my hometown and tell me that he missed me, it wasn't fair.

Okay, so Elliot Scott was supposed to be Marcus' first boyfriend. They would have dated for six months, up until he cheated on Marcus. He most definitely did not deserve our Marcus. After Marcus returns from boarding school, Elliot shows up a month later, apologizing, telling Mark that he made a mistake and he still loves him. Uh... No. You had your chance El and you wasted it.

3. Isaac Martin (School bully)

I'll be straight with you guys I just honestly forgot to add this character. He was supposed to be in the first book and probably make a brief appearance in the third but you know... Stuff happens (shrugs) Lol I don't even have a description for him. Away...

4. Matthew Lance (Abby's Boyfriend)

Aww Matt, why oh why didn't I add him. He was soooo cute. I think, maybe. I kinda don't even remember him. He was a nice guy, probably. He did stuff and you know, breathed...

(b) Characters That Were Not In The Original Plot

1. Malek, Geun and Ashon

It's hard to imagine the books without the three of them. They are some of the most important characters. I mean, seriously without them there's no story, but, originally they weren't supposed to be in the books. So who were the antagonists? Evelyn, for starters, she was supposed to be a big contender before you know, I killed her. And also the death god himself, he was supposed to be playing a bigger role but

But then Malek came to mind followed by Ashon then lastly Geun. I came up with Geun a few chapters into book 2.

2. Paige

I love Paige.

3. Jack

Jack came along after I changed the first chapter. Actually basically every single one of these characters came along because I changed the first chapter. Thank god I did. That first first draft was a mess.

I'll be posting it next! 

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