1st Day Of College

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Cole Thompson

"But why do I have to go to school the day right after I got out?" I groaned as my mother placed a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"You're a 21 years old fresh out of prison with no job and no money. Easiest way to start you out in the world is by having you make your way up in school again so you can make something of yourself instead of letting people think of you as just the jobless ex con living off his parents money" She replies as I rolled my eyes before consuming every breakfast platter on the counter she made for me and my sister.

"Where's Cindy?"

"Unlike you, she woke up early today and made sure her and Jezzabelle made it to their first day of college together on time"

Looking down at my watch I realized it was almost 10 in the afternoon.

"Just so you know your cousins are on their way already, you have 30 minutes till your first class starts so you better finish eating and get ready" She says while sipping her white coffee mug.

After finishing every plate on the counter, I handed them to her as she put her hands out before heading upstairs to my room to get ready for a school I didn't even know I was already enrolled in. But I guess that's what happens when you're the son of rich people that love nothing more than to keep their public image.

"Are you forgetting something?"

As soon as I tried to leave through the front door after getting ready in some clean clothes, I walked back into the kitchen and gave my mom a peck on her forehead before continuing out through the front door seeing Jax already parked in front of my house with the other 3 idiots playing around in the backseat.

"Would've thought you'd still be out like a light till this evening after you snuck out of the party with Jezzabelle last night" Jack says now leaning in between me and Jax from the backseat of Jax silver Bentley he told me he bought a few weeks ago.

"Party sucked balls, just wanted to get some real food after eating the same mushy crap for the past 6 years"

"And out of all 4 of your bestest friends here in this car, you chose to go eat out with your little sisters hot bestfriend?"

"Jack shut the fuck up and stop gripping my car seats so damn hard. Sit the fuck back and keep your dirty hands to yourself, I swear to god if you mess something up in my car I'll kick your ass again" Jax snaps from behind the wheel as Jack quickly sits back in his seat.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Sneaking out with little JJ after I told you she ain't gonna be one of your little fuck toys you use like a handkerchief and throw away when you're done" Jax says while glancing at me with an irritated look.

"It was just a little hang out session. You act like I took her virginity or something" I reply while rolling my eyes.

"Actually someone else did that, you should've seen how Jax reacted to that" Jack blurts out with a snort as I looked back with a raised brow.

"And who the hell was that?" I ask turning to Jax who was rolling his eyes now.

"I already handled that jackass. Just don't try anything with little JJ and I won't have to handle your dumbass next" Jax says parking his car in the college parking lot before we all got out.

"Here's your schedule. You got 2 classes on Monday's and Wednesdays, 3 classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and your mom decided to give you 1 class on Friday afternoons" Brandon says handing me a piece of paper with the list of my classes and schedule.

Of course my parents would make me major in Business Administration as soon as I got out of prison. And just by seeing the text message my father sent me before I left the house saying their was football tryouts today after my classes, made it even more noticeable that they were trying to control my future once again just like they did before I got into juvy.

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