“No reason,” I shrug, “I’m just trying to gain time. I’m about to make an important call and I’m not sure if I’m ready yet or not.”

“Why are you talking to me like if we were friends or something?”

“I don’t even know,” I sigh, “I guess… I don’t know. I just need to talk.”

“Then go talk to your friends,” he rolls his eyes at me, “Or your boyfriend.”

“Oh,” I nod, “Is the tourist the reason why you were crying?”

“The what?”

“Louis,” I drop the nickname, “Were you crying because of him?”

“Why would I cry because of that fag? I mean, I’m sorry about him for having to date you but I don’t care about him enough to cry over it.”

“Just drop it, Niall,” I sigh, “I know what being on your side is. You don’t need to be this rude all the time.”

“Are you my father now?” he smirks.

“No, I just think I know you more than you think I do,” I remain serious, “We are not that different you and me, you know?”

“I’m not like you,” he gives me a disgusted expression, “At all.”

“You are right, you are not like me at all,” I sigh, “Because I have changed.”

“Coming out to your sister is not a big deal,” he laughs at me.

“Have you thought about it?” he ignores my question, “Coming out to your sister I mean.”

“I don’t have a sister,” he mumbles.

“Or brother, whatever.”

“What are you trying to do here?”

“Just random conversation,” I shrug, “But you are right, it’s pointless. You are very early 2014 Harry and it’s annoying the hell out of me.”

“I’d never come out to my family,” he breaks a short pause of silence, “There would be no turning back and I don’t want that.”

“I used to think the same thing,” I sit on the floor, “Until I found someone who made me change my mind.”

“Don’t go there,” he sits next to me, “It’s hard enough.”

“Then I was right. Louis was the reason why you were… well, why you got the flu back in the bathroom.”

“I was ready, you know?” he tries to keep himself together but I can hear how his voice is starting to break a little, “That’s why I came to Brazil.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ireland is not even playing in this Cup,” he laughs out of nowhere, “I came because I knew Louis would be here and I thought Brazil was the right place to do what I was planning on doing.”

“What were you going to do?”

“What do you think?” he turns to me, “I was ready to be with him again.”

“But you were not treating him right,” I frown, “Since the very first moment you saw him. You were shit to him.”

“Because I saw he was with you,” he confesses, “At first, I thought it was just a phase, that you were just an obstacle between us. I thought he’d take me back after he listened to what I had to say.”

“And what happened?”

“He didn’t care,” his stare gets lost into nowhere, “And that’s when I realized you were more than just a phase for him. That’s why I hated you so much from the start. Because you came to take away what had always been mine.”

World Cup  [larry stylinson a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now