Chapter 4: The Big Blackout

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Late at night, Sonic was on a running track surrounding a tennis field. The lights all switch on one by one. Sonic looks around amazed and sees a couple of tennis rackets and a tennis ball and gets an idea. He grabs one of the tennis rackets and stands on the north side of the tennis field.

"On the home team defending his championship streak and with a tie score and the game on the line the most fearsome tennis player in all of Green Hills, Sonic." Sonic says just before he rushed over to the other side of the net

"And on the opponent team attempting to break the winning streak, also Sonic." Sonic added as he then rushed onto the top of the referee chair

'Alright you two, I want a nice clean game. No dirty tricks, nothing that breaks the rules." Sonic said in a different voice as he rushed back to the north side

"Okay Sonic, if you keep up this streak, you'll be the most beloved kid in Green Hills." Sonic said as he took a deep breath

Sonic then ran quickly to the south side of the tennis field and served the ball. After a long game of tennis with himself, he scored while on the north side of the field.

"I did it! I did it!" Sonic said before looking around, realizing he's alone

"I really am alone now......" Sonic said as he took off the tennis player hat and set it down next to the tennis racket and headed for the track and began running on it

Slowly, Sonic started getting faster and faster as he staticed with blue electricity and leaving small indents in a few spots on the running track, his clothes somehow not burning up from the electrical energy.

"Aaaah!!!" Sonic screamed as he jumped in the air and caused a huge surge of blue electricity causing somewhat of an explosion

The explosion knocked out power across a large radius that Green Hills happened to be in. When the blue surge was fully gone, it had knocked out power across all of the Northwest end of Vale.

"I'm sure no one noticed that giant blue explosion, right?" Sonic said before running off

Back at Tom and Maddie's house, while Maddie and Ozzy were gone, Tom was using his phone's screen light to be able to see as he walked around. He then started getting a call from Wade.

"Hey." Tom said after answering the call

"Hi, Tom." Wade responded

"The power seems to have gone out." Tom said

"Well DUR, the lights are out. The whole town is going crazy." Wade responded

"Okay, just relax and call Zim to see if he can locate the down line than call Gill and tell him to get his generator to the main power of the town so everyone's food stays fresh." Tom said, seeing a small blue glow coming from the quill he found earlier

"Call Zim BEFORE Gill?!?!? Tom, wait, was that the end of the instructions-" Wade started

"I'll have to call you back." Tom stated, hanging up

Tom then grabs the quill, confused about why it was lightly glowing.

Later, in the Pentagon, a military general had called a meeting.

"40 minutes ago, that giant energy surge knocked out power across the entire Pacific Northwest power supply. What do we know?"  asked

"Well, our first instinct was it was an EMP. But an Electro-Magnetic Pulse doesn't have that kind of power." Soldier #9876 stated

"And the power company said it wasn't a system failure." Another soldier added

"Well, it sounds like we are really good at figuring out what it WASN'T." The general said

"This could be a predilude to a larger attack. We should ready up as many forces as we can and-" The weapons expert that was called into the meeting starts

"No." The general intercepted, getting everyone to look at him. "With what happened here, we need someone a lot more sophisticated. A specific person is who I have in mind."

"You aren't suggesting who I think you're suggesting, sir." A separate soldier said

"He may be weird but he's our only option." The general states, shaking his head

"I can't you are bringing THAT freak into this." Soldier #9878 said

"Neither can I. But unfortunately, we have no other choice." The general responded

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