Chapter 33: Crowned in Glory

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you topple over like that. But I got your shirt on, isn't that good?" Her golden eyes shined at him and she smiled.

He had felt quite fussy that morning. The anxiety he was feeling only encouraged such feelings to grow. But looking at his mate's smile did help him calm down. Her playfulness, he noted, did in fact help lighten his mood. He felt selfish for feeling this way. He should be ready to celebrate and be grateful he got to live to see such a day. He should be excited for himself and Asheria.

And he was.

But negative feelings often feel stronger.

He looked at Asheria and cracked a small smile, but she could see the uneasiness in his eyes.

She ran her hand under his jaw and endearingly cupped his face with one hand. "Hey, everything will be okay, alright? You'll do great today, I know that."

He laid his hand on top of her own. "What if they don't like me?"

"There will always be people out there who will not like you for whatever reason, and there's nothing you can do about it. You cannot please everyone. All you can do is move on and rule with your best intentions and do what's best for the kingdom." Asheria said.

He pursed his lips together. She was indeed right. Besides, he had gotten a positive reaction from lots of people he had already met, such as the kingdom's army.

"Even you? You have critics?" He asked, perplexed.

She smiled. "Yes, even me."

"Preposterous. I want them dead."

Playfulness danced in his tone and expression. Asheria laughed, looking at him. "And I want you dressed. I can't have you showing up half-naked to the ceremony." She stood and held out her hand for him to take.

He offered up a small smile in return and took her hand. She proceeded to dress him in the outfit she had chosen, and once she was done, she stepped back to admire her work once she fastened the final piece around his neck.

She felt butterflies flutter softly in her soul and beat their intricate wings against her heart. He always looked handsome to her but dressed like a king, he was breath-taking.

She had dressed him in a fabric that bore golden designs which swirled around in a fascinating manner. They stood out remarkably against the fabric that was tinged red around it, symbolizing him as king. Wrapped around his neck was a gold robe that folded over his shoulders before falling to his sides. The length of it was long, but not long to the point it was touching the floor.

Fastened around his waist was a belt, which was engraved with the kingdom's symbols - half of a girl's face and half of a wolf's, which honored the girl and her mate who came before them and changed the history of their kingdom. The two who turned the kingdom from evil to good.

He wore dark pants, which made the colors he was wearing stand out.

His black, curly hair framed his face, hanging just below his ears. Some strands fell down his forehead, sweeping his brow that framed his swirling, dark blue eyes.

His hands tugged at the cloth around his neck. "How do I look?" He asked, unsure. He had never worn such fancy garments before, and he felt a bit self-conscious about it. It was so different than what he was used to, after all.

His voice shook her out of his thoughts, and she smiled in assurance. She felt nervous, it felt like she was falling in love with him all over again.

"Kyros, you look handsome." She said, approaching him and reaching up to touch his face.

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