"Tomorrow at 3:30," she blushed, "I may have already taken care of that for you." 

"What did you do?" Nick chuckled, standing up so they could start dinner. 

"Nope, we're going out to dinner to celebrate" Lei interrupted as she slid over three tests. 

"Your wish is my command," Nick smiled, "But what did you do?" 

"I may have messengered something to Vance asking for you to get out of work by 2:30 tomorrow" Lei smirked as Nick's phone started ringing and the caller ID read Director Vance. 

"Nick, when were you going to tell me?" Vance asked with a smile in his voice. 

"I found out right before I was leaving work," Nick chuckled, "Apparently the future Mrs. Torres has been scheming behind my back." 

"I see a little P.S. note here that I think is your answer about Hawaii?" Vance smiled. 

"Jemisha, what did you say?" Nick laughed putting the phone on speaker. 

"I have no clue what you're talking about" LJ giggled. 

"'Dear Uncle Vance, I was hoping that I could steal Nick away at 2:30 to go with me to confirm this little one's existence.' and then there is a positive pregnancy test in a zip lock bag and, 'P.S. Uncle Leon please don't let Nick tell you no to Hawaii. The bubs and I want to live next to the beach.'" Leon read over the speaker, "Take the rest of the week off Nick so you two can discuss what to do with all the properties here and your plan for the move." 

"Yes, Sir" Nick chuckled. 

"Thank you, Uncle Leon" Leilani called from the other side of the island. 

"You are such a pain sometimes but I absolutely love you," Nick laughed once Vance had hung up. 

"Future Mrs. Torres?" she commented, having not missed that. 

"I was hoping you would miss that, but I can't wait any longer" Nick smiled stepping into the office and getting into his gun box. 

"Nick?" Lei asked from the door with furrowed brows. 

"This isn't because you're pregnant, I was already planning this," Nick grinned excitedly as he turned around with his hands behind his back, "Leilani Jemisha Donahue-Gibbs will you marry me?" 

"Oh my god, yes!" Leilani squealed as Nick opened the box, "I didn't think you'd ask until after we had the baby!" 

"I didn't want us to move to Oahu without you being at least my fiancé" he smiled sliding the ring on her finger. 

LJ admired the beautiful ring on her finger as she walked up the stairs to get dressed for their date

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LJ admired the beautiful ring on her finger as she walked up the stairs to get dressed for their date. It was a magical looking 2 Karat bi-colored Turmalin rose gold engagement ring and it looked expensive. Nick had made reservations somewhere as a surprise and he wasn't telling LJ where they were eating but he told her to dress nice. 

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