Chapter 1

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Lizzie P.O.V

"I cannot believe you dragged me out for this." I grumbled to Josie as the two of us made our way over to the drink station for a round of refills, "why did I even have to come?" The event in question was one of the school's infamous last night of summer party.

"You needed a night out, you and I both know that." Jo smiled, giving my arm a soft squeeze which I scoffed at.

"And you had to do it at a school event? You couldn't have dragged me out to some bar for tequila shots until we end up fighting over my phone as I try to make the horrible mistake of drunk texting my ex?"

"Lizzie..." she started affectionately, "it's almost been two months, and you guys have had to see each other Almost every day..."

"I know..." I grumbled, "but it doesn't exactly make up for the two years we managed to make it work."

I Was, of course, talking about the Hope Mikaelson, the love of your life, or she used to be anyways. We'd spent two wonderful years together, hell, our relationship was so perfect I'd disclosed within a week of getting together that I'd loved her more than I'd ever loved anyone and she had constantly doted on me more than anyone could ever imagine.

The more we got to know each other on an intimate level and otherwise the more I realized just how soft she was, how loving and caring she was, the usually hidden side of her that I previously didn't know. I mean yeah we hadn't always had the best relationship, I'd had my fair share of issues, stemming from... Family history, that seemed to spiral after she arrived at school and what I had believed to be her taking all my friends and families attention away Fron me and projecting it all on herself.

However it turned out we have more in common than we thought and found little loopholes that would make our relationship work, but that seemed to only last so long. It seems that after a while hope simply didn't want me anymore and discarded me saying 'she can't lose anyone else so she's ending our relationship' and over text no less, then completely ghosted me for a week.

Maybe it's because I am mortal, I don't know but I knew the infamous and almighty tribrid wanted to get rid of me, so much so that she didn't think I was worth an in-person break-up.

Freeing myself from thoughts of the past I cast a gaze down south, and with it, my entire life came crashing down, Or so it felt, but in reality, Hope Mikaelson just walked onto the dance floor with her best friend and my sister's ex, Penelope Park.

Thinking back maybe this was planned, maybe they planned to reck us, to break our hearts. "I can't do this," I whispered to Jo before turning and leaving the party.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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