More workers were in the room, making sure that it was in tip top shape. "She was happy when we told her she was going to be joining a pack. After her siblings left, she was alone. Until she met you, the night she helped you at the warehouse, she came to us exited. She told us how you answered these questions, about who would you chose, and you told her that your pack was you family along with your mother and brother. She felt loved for the first time, we couldn't give her that." They look at all the flowers, walking around the room, and occasionally stopping to look at her. "She really liked you being her pack leader, she hoped to become a lot like you."

Emma snuffled on the couch, Mrs. Hudson came back into the room with a small box. "She was going to wait for your birthday, but when I told her that you don't really celebrate it. She wanted me to give you this, if I found you around town, or you came by." The red box was wrapped with white ribbon. I opened the box, "It's moonstone, she thought you would like it."

The stone was wrapped in a simple gold chain, "She was right. Thank you."

We stay for a few more minutes, before their family came over. Then we headed over to Luke's house, "Have you even seen his parents?" I shake my head, "Nope, he came by himself the day of the meeting." I followed the instructions to a town not far from Bridget's.

His house was somewhat like the one that I live in now, just that the front yard had a lot of stuff thrown around. We knock on the door, and a man in his 40's answers. "You're Savannah.." He eyes were blood shot red, probably from the alcohol coming from his breath. "Yes sir. I brought Luke for you." You would think his dad would be a drunken lunatic, but he's really sincere.

"Would you like a drink?" Emma and I shake our heads, two younger kids come down the the second floor. "This is Luke's little brother, and this little angel, is his daughter." I could feel the ground fall before my feet. "I never knew he was a father." She walks over to Luke's body, "Most people don't know, he kept it a secret for a very long time. Her mother left her when she was only 3 months old, we never saw her since." Emma put her hand on my shoulder, "I know how that feels, especially losing a father. Where are you planning to bury him."

Luke's daughter runs over to her grandfather, "Probably in a few days, bury him next to his mother. Thank you for bringing him, this feels a lot better than finding out by the police that your son was killed." Those words made my body feel something, something that I never want to feel again. "I promise you, I will find out who did this to your son and to Bridget Hudson, they deserve to rest knowing that their killer won't hurt anyone else."

It started to rain outside, so we said our goodbyes, before heading back into town.

"Did you actually mean what you said back there? Revenge?" I grip my fingers around the wheel, "This is my town, I will protect the people in it."

1 Week Later.

I hadn't been at school in over 4 days, due to the fact that I wanted to be there when they buried Luke and Bridget, but also because I need to recruit. I called the school for them to send me my work over my email, but when I had the chance, I would head over to school and play the piano. Mr.Lively understood my absences, he also lost his family in a week once.

The hallways at school were completely empty, seemed like the teachers kept the doors locked from the inside, keeping the students like prisoners. Walking to the music room was quite the breeze, didn't run into Derek or have an unexpected visit from Peter. And just like I expected, no one was playing the piano, just Mr.Lively walking around. "You came, surprisingly." He notices my reaction with the low amount of students playing. "Where's Danielle?" His face then goes cold.

"I'm sorry Savannah, she was admitted to the hospital two days ago. She wanted to leave you a message, but couldn't get your number." I walk up to her private room, seeing her violin sitting on its stand. "Why don't you play, it will probably take your mind off of things."

The White Wolf ( Derek Hale Love Story) #7Where stories live. Discover now