I'm hating every second of this, hes such a prick and stuck up. Does he really think hes doing something? Ok but him thinking I'm pretty was somewhat nice, but he was lying- he's trying to trick me, you never trust your opponent. NEVER. I know better than to trust him. I knw better to trust a fool.

"alors, la galerie?" (so, the gallery?) he said, I shook my head with a little laugh

"Oui, bien sûr" (yeah, sure) I fake beamed making him do... heart eyes?

God, this is gonna be the death of me, and not in a good way. Everything about this boy is nonsense, he's an arrogant, self-absorbed nincompoop, butthead, nonce git. In short terms, a fool.

"Génial!" (great!) he cheered and went over to the music box, turning on a song of his choice

(song- super freak)

She's a very kinky girl

The kind you don't take home to mother

She will never let your spirits down

Once you get her off the street, ow girl

She likes the boys in the band

She says that I'm her all-time favorite

When I make my move to her room

It's the right time

She's never hard to please

Oh, no

That girl is pretty wild now

(The girl's a super freak)

The kind of girl you read about

(In new-wave magazines)

That girl is pretty kinky

(The girl's a super freak)

I really love to taste her

(Every time we meet)

She's all right, she's all right

That girl's all right

With me, yeah

Hey, hey, hey-heeeey

She's a super freak, super freak

She's super-freaky, yow

Everybody sing

Super freak, super freak

He sang as he walked back to me, clicking his fingers as he walked by his hip sways, looking like somewhat of an idiot, let's just say he's not a professional.


"Ok, so Y/n I heard him talking about taking you to the gallery, that's why he's here. We suspect he's going there to steal one of the artworks, we need you to get information about it and if he's going to do it, we need you to convince him not to do it without him knowing that you're telling to not do it" William explained as I got back to my room. how in the flying fuck am I going to convince a criminal to not be a criminal?

"Oh?...ok then" I said thinking about it

"Ok, get some sleep, we are busy people" he told me and walked out the door with me locking it shut.


Day two:

"Ok, can you go to the store and get some bandages and supplies for the week" William requested as he took an apple from his mini fridge, I nodded and put my Beret back on my head and put my mask so people can only see my eyes, grabbing my coat as he slid me money to pay for the stuff. I nodded and walked out the door, to the store down the street with a gun stuffed in my pocket. You always gotta be prepared for something bad, I walked in with the bell ringing and walk to the medical aisle trying to find the big long bandages. I heard the bell go off and then some panicking, I walked over to the front desk and found a man pointing a gun at the man at the front desk.

"Give me all the money!" They demand. Damn. I sighed why is London such a violent place

I pulled my gun out and pointed it at them

"No, dont give em them money, you should leave" I said, making them turn on their heels and look at me then pointing their gun at me, they had a mask on with glasses on not showing any feature of their face, but I could tell its a male.

"Mind your own business" he hissed at me

"Hey, I was just trying to go the easy way, leave the store or I will shoot" I said closing one eye making aim

"You wont, but what will happen is this jackass giving the money!" he yelled, pointing the gun back at the man

"Look man, it's either you leave or I'll shoot" I told him pointing the gun to his thigh. No. 1- always shoot a criminal in the leg, that way they cant run away from you. or at least they can't run fast

"Look I'm just gonna get the money then you can fuck off!" he growled at me

"Look I'm just gonna shoot you and then you can fuck off!" I smiled sarcastically

Dude why am I doing this, I came here for a criminal not this son of a bitch. I dont even know why agreed to it, Im wasting my time, I could be drinking a martini in a bar in London with some dude hitting on me, then I would let him pay for my drink and when he tries making a move I slap him then leave and go back to my apartment and have a good night sleep. I didnt even get to sleep last night, I mean I did but 1 hour, I wouldnt call that sleep.

The guy stepped closer to me and I shot him in the leg making him fall to the ground hissing as blood being pouring out of his thigh through his pants leaving red liquid stains on the floor, I put the gun away back into my coat and quickly pay for the medical supplies that I needed to get and rush out of the area, I found a crêpe shop and my stomach growled a craving for one, I hesitantly go in and walked up to the counter.

"One mini crêpe, please" I said and handed her the money, she smiled and passed me the change.

"Jouir" (enjoy) she said passing me the crêpe

"Merci" (thank you) I nodded and ate it on the way back to the hotel, plopping the rubbish in the bin as I entered, taking off my coat and taking the mask off my face. I strolled up the steps and got to the floor below me and saw someone limping to a door, holding their leg. Invested, I speed walked to them.

"Excuse me, are you ok?" I asked when Im two steps away from them, they turned and Louis stood there groaning in pain

"What happened?" I rushed and held his shoulder, he whimpered and almost fell over on his feet

"Can you help me into my room? Please" he hissed in pain, I nodded and walked him carefully to his room, opening the door for him, he sat on the bed as I stood there looking at him frantically

"Are you gonna tell me what-" I started but he stopped me

"Some prick shot me in the thigh" he informed me, I rushed over to him knelt down putting his leg on a stool

"Do you know if the bullets out?" I asked him quickly, he nodded his head

"yeah...It's out" he exhaled deeply trying to steady out his breathing

"Oh, ok. Stay calm" I instructed. I wrapped my hand and put force onto his upper thigh stopping the blood from flowing out of the area. I put his hand there and ran quickly to the sink and wet a cloth. I rushed back to him and moved his hand, putting pressure on the place before and pushing down on the wound trying to control the bleeding flowing out like a waterfall.

"You're gonna have to roll your pants up" I told him awkwardly, he stood up with a limp and he pulled the end of his pant leg up as far as it would go. He sat back down slowly being careful not to lose loads more blood. I pushed down the cloth more and he whined and flinched. Jeez, he's acting like he hasn't been shot before.

"Ok um" I said and looked around, I hesitantly grabbed my bag and got the pack of bulky bandages from the store and wrapped it around the leg tightly but letting him breathe.

"Ok, watch out for any colour change in your skin, if it tingles rapidly or it gets really cold. if so take the bandage off immediately" I explained and went to the sink to wash my hands from the blood. I grabbed my bag and my stuff and walked to the door.

"Oh, and I would ask the cleaning lady for new sheets if I were you" I told him before shutting the door behind me.

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