Chapter 5- City Saving Spider and Betrayal

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I find them later on when Nat sends out an SOS to me, I crawl and stop above her as Octavius is working on the machine, "Hi," she smiles, "I knew you'd come," I cut her free with a stinger and she rubs her wrists, I duck from something sharp nearly cutting my head off and flip to the ground in my crouch, "I should have known Osborn didn't have the guts to finish you off," "Shut it down Ock, you're gonna hurt a lot more people this time," "Well that's a risk I'm willing to take," "Well I'm not!" I jump over him and web his arms together, but he uses another to throw me away, I swing back into the warehouse and swing and kick him through the floor, we fight a bit and I hear, "Spider-Man!" I see Nat hanging onto a beam and losing her grip, "Hang on!" I throw him up through the ceiling and I hear him fall on the road outside, unconscious, then I jump up and shoot a web at mom's hand and pull her to me, I put her down, "You okay?" She nods, "Yeah, how do we stop this thing?" "Pull the plug," I make my arm into a blade and cut the cords, "There, that should-," I see it's still going, "Do it," mom asks, "Now what?" I think, 'Okay, okay, it's like a tiny sun, it's hot, we're above water, drown it!' "Drown it, get out of here and wait for the cops," she nods, "Got it, nice work, I'm proud of you," I smile, "Thanks mom," she smiles and runs out. I make my arms axes and swing down, then get to work cutting the beams by running and cutting them as I go, I just barely make it before I get swallowed by the black hole or get buried under the warehouse. I come up out of the water and swim to the shore, then see Ock getting loaded into a police van and smile, "I did it," I get a call, Ben asks, "Pete, you there?" "Yeah, I'm here, where have you been?" "Sorry I couldn't help out, but I found the Spider Slayers," I smile, "Let's take them down," "With pleasure, meet me at my location," "Got it, be there soon," "Yeah," mom walks to me, "Hey, what's up?" "One threat down, one to go, while I was taking care of Ock, he was finding the Slayers, I gotta go," she nods and we go to a secluded area, my mask retracts, "Be very careful, these things were made to kill you and you may be Spider-Man, but you're also my boy," I smile and hug her, "You got it mom, I'll be careful and kick their asses," she smiles and ruffles my hair, "Atta boy," I chuckle and mask up, then hug her and swing towards the location. I get there and crash through a window, I see Ben, "Hey, so, this is the place?" He nods, "Yep, ready for this?" I nod, "Definitely, you," he nods, "Damn right, let's show these Slayers not to mess with the spiders," I chuckle and we fist bump, then get in the elevator. Ben looks around, "I..I remember now, I remember everything," he looks at me, "Be ready for anything, these Slayers were made to kill you, and they will show no mercy," I nod, "Okay, good thing I'll have you, my friend and partner," he hesitates, "Yeah, you have me," the doors open and we nod at each other and walk through the hallway, we come into a big room with someone in there, "So glad you could come, Spider-Man," I say, "Who are you? Why are you doing this?" He steps into the light, "My name is Allistair Smythe, I am doing this because you ruined my life," The Slayers come out, "You did good," "Uh...who are you talking to?" My spider sense goes off and I get a knee to the back and fall on my knees and Ben locks me in a headlock, "He's talking about me," "B-Ben? Why would you do this?" Allistair says, "Because he's the leader of the Spider Slayers, we had a plan, first to break the man, then the spider, and it's working out perfectly," "I don't understand, I tried to save your wife!" "Key word, tried! She would be alive if you weren't so weak!" "One of the few people the great Superior Spider-Man couldn't save, Scarlet, unmask him," "With pleasure," he takes a taser, "Ben! Stop," "There is no Ben Reilly, he was a ruse, I'm now and forever will be..." he tasers my neck, making my mask retract, "Scarlet Spider!" Allistair says, "You're pathetic, the great, the Superior Spider on his knees and in tears, end him Slayers, show no mercy," Ben joins the other three and they get ready, I wipe my face and sniffle, then stand up.

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