What We Deserve

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So when I planned out the book I had originally decided to completely follow the timeline and what happened in The Outer Banks. I realized that that was actually a terrible idea so I am going to change a few things but the plot is ultimately still the same i.e. the mystery of the royal merchant, the gold, Denmark Tanney, and the cross. I just wanted to change the events of the story, but there are still going to be the same major problems as in the show.

What did she mean? What was worse than she thought? Then it hit me. Oh my god. JJ. I ran through the party towards the garage, I almost reached the door when my dad stopped me. "Where do you think you are going, Odette?" I paused, slowly turning around to face him, "I need to go, dad. My friends need me." He frowned: "You know how important this banquet is to me, sweetie. I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave". "Oh my god! Dad! The only reason you throw this party is that you think it will bring mom back. Well guess what? It won't! She's not coming back!" The guests shifted their attention towards my father and me. I didn't mean to say that. My dad looked at me, his face filled with emotions, he was heartbroken. "I need to go," I mumbled under my breath and hurried to my car.

As I rushed to JJ's all I could think about was what I almost did with Rafe, how JJ would react if he ever found out, the things I said to my father, and the look on his face. I pushed my foot down harder on the gas, "How the fuck could I be so stupid?" the night air was filled with my sobs. I sped around a corner, filled with worry and guilt, I needed to get to JJ.

The tires screeched and the car spun out of my control. My head collided with the steering wheel and the world went dark.

I opened my eyes and my senses were flooded with pain. I had only been unconscious for a mere matter of minutes, it had felt like hours. Despite the throbbing ache in my head, I reached to open the door, still filled with the desire to get to JJ. I winced when I finally managed to get out of the car. The front of the Jeep was completely demolished from smashing into a tree, but all I could think about was him.

His house wasn't far, I could make it on foot.

The lights from his backyard become increasingly more visible and my determination rose as they grew brighter. I could make it. I made my way around the side of his house and that's when he came into sight.

Kie and Pope stood...

in front of him their faces

...enveloped with concern.

His body-- was covered in bruises.


did he get those


"Oh my god," I stammered. Right as they turned to look at me, everything faded away and my body hit the ground.

What happened?
Where was I?
Why was my head pounding?

I opened my eyes and the pain engulfed my body, I groaned.


It was Kie.

The sun shone brightly onto the porch of John B's house. It was the morning? All the nerves in my body suddenly became alert: "Where's JJ?!" Kie mumbled something but was interrupted when my blonde-haired boy walked into the room.

"Morning Princess!"

He looked way better than he did last time I saw him. Oh, God the bruises. I needed to see them, to check if what I saw was true. I sat up despite the throbbing pain in my head. Clearing my throat, I spoke, "JJ what happened to you last night?". Kie's eyes shifted to JJ's and they exchanged in a silent conversation. He redirected the subject back to me. He walked over placing his hands on my forehead. I peered up at him as JJ gazed down at me, "That's a nasty gash you've got there". I could feel the heat of his breath when he spoke. He knew it was distracting. I

I shot Kie a look and she left the room. Reaching up with my right arm, I grabbed JJ's wrist removing his from my head. I placed my hand in his squeezing it, he got the message. He sat next to me on the porch swing and moved my body so I was laying on him. With every breath, I could feel his chest rise and fall.

Without meeting his eyes I whispered at the same time as him, "What happened to you?".

Silence filled the air once more.

"I'm sorry".

"I'm sorry too".

"I shouldn't have left without talking to you".

"I shouldn't have let you leave".

"I really like you Odette Stone and I would never do anything to intentionally mess this up. I promise."

He peered down at me examining my face.

I paused.

Clearing my throat I whispered, "I promise too."

JJ noticed the black satin covering my body, "For the record, I bet you all of the royal merchant golf that this dress looked gorgeous on you last night. I'm sorry I missed it". I smiled up at him, hoping that the feelings of guilt were hidden in my eyes.

Kie ran through the porch doors, "John B's back!" Right. I had totally forgotten about his meeting with Ward. JJ and I walked towards the front where everyone else was. We didn't have to talk to them to realize something was wrong. John B looked like he had seen a ghost. He stared at us all with blank eyes, "Ward killed my father. Oh, Fuck, the Gold!". He ran back to the Twinkie and took off without a word. Sarah looked at us all with a hopeless gaze: "I think he is telling the truth. My dad is a monster. We- We need to go!"

"Well, what are we waiting for let's go!" I spoke first. Running to my Jeep still crashed into a tree, I motioned for them to follow me. I jumped into the driver seat, Sarah in the passenger, and the rest uneasily got into the back. It took multiple tries, but I finally got the engine turned over. I slowly backed away from the tree, until I could travel down the main road. They turned to me, "Where are we going?" I grabbed the gun that JJ always seemed to carry out of his hands and turned back to face them: "We are getting what you guys and John B deserve. The gold."

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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