"She was tortured?" My anger was now crawling up. "That bitch tortured her?"

"Calm, my dear." Magnus uttered to me and I shook my head, taking my hand from his. I went to leave but he waved his hand and i couldn't move.

"Mag, let me go." I spat.

"I just got you back, Verena. I'm not losing you again."

"What? How do you know Dot was tortured?" Clary asked and Magnus sighed.

"I can’t feel her magic anymore. Valentine killed her because she would not betray your mother." Magnus sneered and I tried to get out from the invisible binds.

"Oh my god."

"Come with me, Clary. My lair can offer you protection no Shadowhunter ever could." Magnus offered, and Jace scoffed, glaring at the Warlock.

"No! No, I'm not going anywhere with you." She sneered and I glared.

"Don’t be a fool. Your mother would want you to live." Magnus told Clary, who stuck her nose up.

"Then help me get my memories back from whatever demon you gave them to." She begged and Magnus shook his head once.

"Valentine is hunting you, too. And every moment we’re outside my lair’s protection, is a moment Valentine gets closer to finding us." Magnus waved his hand and a portal, like the one Dot made, appeared. Magnus waved his hand again and I could move, but before I could move towards Alec or anyone, he grabbed my hand. "Come with me." Jace shook his head, holding Clary back from joining Magnus.

"Alec?" I whispered, looking at the boy from far away.

"I won't offer again." Magnus sternly told Clary.

"No. No, I won’t hide from my problems and neither should you." Clary spat before a woman shouted to look out.

I saw a man with a circle rune on his neck, and I let my wings come out.

I had to protect Magnus.

The man wavered in his steps and went to strike after a moment, but an arrow was lodged into him, killing him. I looked at Alec, who looked at me with...worry?

"Who are you?" Magnus asked just before he was about to pull me and himself into the Portal. I slapped his arm and he nodded, pursing his lips.

"Magnus, wait! You’re my only hope." Clary said, stopping Magnus from walking through the Portal of safety.

"Valentine found us. I warned your mother this might happen." Magnus wrapped an arm around my waist and forced me through the Portal. I fell on the other side, in an apartment with gathered warlocks, I'm guessing.

"Verena Fairchild." Someone said and I frowned.

"Who're you?"


I stared at where Magnus Bane disappeared to. The Portal was gone...so was Verena.

"The area’s secure. Looks like he was the only assassin." Izzy told us once she had come back from checking the area for more circle members.

"He has a Circle rune on the base of his neck." I told them, gritting my teeth. I felt furious. Verena was gone and I was pissed.

"They found us. It’s not safe here. Clary, we have to go." Me and Izzy walked away, the girl giving me glances.

"Alec?" She asked but I ignored her, walking outside. "Alec, please–"

"What, Izzy?!" I yelled, and she pursed her lips, thinking. "She is gone. Again." I whispered and Izzy looked genuinely sad.

"We'll get her back, Alec."

"We have to." I muttered, going to walk off. Jace and Clary had walked outside, too, but Clary slumped against the wall.

"Jace." Izzy grabbed my parabatai's attention and nudged her head to Clary, who looked like she was drunk.

"Clary, we have to move."

"I'm catching my breath." She snapped and I glared at her.

"You know, this is great. And not only did Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace. He took Rena. This is fantastic–"

"Alec, the girl… her name is Clary and I highly suggest you keep your voice down." Jace interrupted and I glared at him. Emotions were getting in the way but I could care less right now.

"Why? What, are you afraid I’m gonna upset her? We’ve risked our lives again and again for this girl, and where has it gotten us? All right? Nowhere. We’re no closer to getting the Mortal Cup. And we’ve lost the Institute’s necklace. And we've lost the only pure Nephilim in existence because of her!" I snapped and Jace glared at me.

"Hey, I am right here. I don’t care about your damn jewelry. Or Rea. I’m sorry you’re gonna look bad in front of your bosses, okay? But my mother is still missing and my… my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air." Clary threw something at the floor, which made Jace smirk. I sighed and looked to Izzy, who sent me an apologetic look.

"You give up way too easy." Jace told the girl, who frowned in confusion as he picked up the button. He walked away.

"What is he doing?"

"He’s tracking Magnus. Be quiet and keep your distance." I explained to the girl.

"The button belonged to Magnus. Jace can pinpoint the location using that." Izzy explained and the button within Jace's grasp glowed. It reminded me of Verena. How her eyes glowed when she got angrier than normal. When she felt threatened.

"No." Jace groaned before turning to me and I knew what he wanted me to do. ". The signal’s not strong enough. Magnus must be blocking the track. Let’s do this, Alec." I walked to my Parabatai and grabbed Jace's hand, the button in between both our hands.

"Do what?" Clary asked. I focused on trying to track Magnus, or perhaps Verena. The two would be together. Considering Magnus raised the girl, he wouldn't want to let her go like he had before. I'm guessing.

"Parabatai tracking."

"Of course they are."

"When parabatais track, their power grows stronger. Jace and Alec are gonna track Magnus together." Izzy explained further and mine and Jace's hand began to glow.

"Yeah, this whole parabatai thing seems oddly intimate, if you ask me." Clary said to Izzy, who snickered.

"You don't know the half of it."

"Got him." Jace said, pulling away from me. I glared at anything I could.

I had to get Verena back. I had to. Being separated from her made me angry and worried and I hate it.

I just want her back.

Why does she affect me like this? No one ever had before.

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now