Chapter 13 - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"You're outnumbered 4-1," Duane says

"Not quite," there was a click of the hammer on a gun from behind them, Morgan who turned his back on the man they saved had a gun to his head.

"Still, 3-2 not bad chances," Duane tried to say confidently, he was pointing his pistol at the cowboy

The man didn't say anything as three more people silently emerged from the bookcases

"Boys, meet dinner and our show," the cowboy said with a chuckle. Lexi shivered they all had the same eyes that her uncle did when he was high. They had scabs on their arm and they were so skinny like they hadn't eaten in weeks.

"Our friends will find us." Lexi lied

"We've been watching you girl, we know you're alone,"

"If you're watching us why haven't you stolen our shit," Lexi spat

"Had to wait till you got back I where ever you call home, then you wandered into ours,"

"Fuck you," Duane said bravely the man smiled

"Drop your weapons or ill put a bullet in your heads," The man said despite his words nature it was calm. They had no choice. They obligated

"Boys take the big one to the back maybe make us some nice steak, keep the girl and her boyfriend," Lilly wasn't in an embarrassed mood right now. She wanted to tell them he wasn't but it would be worthless.

"What are you going to do," Morgan asked his voice shaking the man didn't answer as Morgan was dragged away trying to fight their hands away from him to no avail.

"Take off your pants," the cowboy said starting to circle the two kids. Lexi didn't move she stood tall her eyes glancing at her slingshot on the floor a metal ball still in her hands. Two men took Morgan out, one man was behind them and cowboy here is circling. She and Duane could take them but they needed to do it fast and of course quietly so they don't shoot Morgan in the next room that is if they haven't killed him already. She glanced at Duane both his hands that were up in defeat slowly closed into fists his thumb sticking out, closing your fist thumb out means on my signal. Lexi blinks twice in confirmation.

"Cannibals Huh? None of you have green thumbs?" Lexi asked eyeing cowboy

"Do what I say, girl," Cowboy spat his leader facade slowly falling through. it took a special person to be a leader and he wasn't one of them.

"Why? Why not shoot me then rape my corpse? Like the screams do you-" Lexi was slapped her whole body fell to the floor. Duane screamed and rushed towards her but the man behind them grabbed him.  Lexi took this as the signal. They needed to fight at the same time otherwise they were as good at dead.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," the man dropped to his knees grabbing Lexi's ankle this was the opportunity. The man's gun was thrown to the side forgotten. Duane struggled, she fought as well scrambling around the floor trying to get out of his grasps. Her hands were just out of reach of her slingshot, He started unbuckling her belt and almost pulled her pants down. Duane kicked it over to her she grabbed it shooting the man through the eye. She looked behind her seeing Duane plunge his machete into the man's heart. He brought it up and took a swing at his head blood splattering his face.

Lexi didn't cry but Duane did gathering his things up. Lexi stood up buckling her belt the smell of the men still in her nose

"Thanks, Duane," she hugged him

"Let's get your dad,"

Duane was still crying but asked through his tears

"That was stupid Lexi I'm sorry,"

"It was stupid but our only plan, dumb-asses should have taken our weapons out..." Lexi thought about it

"Why didn't they shoot us?" She grabbed the gun out of his death grip

"No bullets," she said checking the chamber. Duane was still crying so she grabbed his arm and they both set off to the other room. Originally this was the child's section, it had doors so they could lock up the computers at night. Perfect for a little base of the whole place wasn't threatening to cave in.

"Your dad could still be alive but if we go in their guns blazing they might kill him, bullets or not they have weapons, the advantage, and the size," Lexi told Duane.

Entering the room was ballsy but they did slowly. She didn't see anyone at first but there was a room full of equipment. Cooking equipment, 3 most likely dead people strung up with hooks. Morgan being one of them, Lexi gasps he was bleeding from his head, he must have fought against them. Where were they? Duane rushes forward

"Duane no!" He slipped on one of the multiple pill bottles on the floor. Lexi could feel the shift behind her she turned on her heel, someone was behind her. She was greeted by the butt of a fire extinguisher in the face.

Everything went black.

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