" i'm not" i said.

" but you are"

" how" i said folding my arms.

" that girl could stub a toe and you would break your back to make sure she's okay" she said.

" what are you getting at" i asked her.

" she's always going to run back to you because she knows you'll catch her no matter the terms you guys are on"

" them" i corrected her.

" you'll catch them sorry but that's why your always the first person she will call" she explained.

i sighed.

" is there a reason why you always play hero y/n" karrueche asked.

" no" i lied.

" y/n tell me" she said.

i sighed.

i stood up and took my shirt off

i pointed to the numbers on my side.

" okay your roman numeral number tattoo what about it" she asked

" that day kehlani saved my life for the first of many times" i said.

" what do you mean saved your life" karrueche asked.

i sighed.

" on halloween night.."


" y/n are you sure it's okay for you to be over here" she asked.

" listen my momma don't know and the don't even realize it's me i'll be fine lani" i said.

"you know they don't care who you are if you from the east side they don't want you over here"

" and my bestie is from the west side they gonna have to shoot me to get me to leave" i chuckled.

" don't say that" she said clearly upset.

" kehlani i'll be fine okay.. now let's go trick or treating shawty" i grabbed her hand walking down the block.

we joked and visited a bunch of houses. the whole night was field of laughter and joy.

" bruh this is so much candy" i said holding my bag.

" yeah it is i can't wait to see what we got" she chuckled.

" yoo lani" we heard.

i looked to the left to see this kid who was about two years older and didn't like me much because of where i was from and how close me and kehlani were because he had a crush on lani.

" jared not right now.. y/n don't stop walking" she said.

" hold on a minute wait up" i heard his feet skit across the pavement.

" can this wait till i don't know tomorrow" kehlani asked.

" i don't see why we need to wait your friend here doesn't mind a quick conversation do you"

i threw my hands up so i don't blow my cover.

" see they don't care now can we finish that conversation" he said.

" you a junior and i'm a freshman why do you want to go on a date with me" she rolled her eyes.

" cause word on the street is you the baddest in the game" he said licking his lips.

" i'm okay thank you though" she said with a fake smile and turning towards me.

" wait" he said grabbing her.

" get off of me" she told him.

" nahh you can't dub me i'm the hottest nigga out here and you wanna dub me" he said.

" get off" she said trying to snatch her arm away.

at the point i didn't care about my cover. i wasn't bout to sit there and watch this happen to her.

i walked over and snatched kehlanis away from him.

" aye girl don't touch me like that" he said.

i took my mask off and stared at him.

" nahh nigga it's looking more like don't you touch HER like that" i said standing in front of kehlani.

" y/n" he chuckled. " i should've known kehlani ain't got no friends who's my height except you and edward"

" well it's me nigga and you not finna touch her like that again"

" mhm but i thought i told you what would happen if i caught you over here on the west side again" he said reaching for something.

i pushed kehlani out the way and a shot rang off. i felt pain in my lower abdomen and i hit the ground.

he took off running and i clutched the spot i got shut at.

kehlani rolled me on my back and put pressure on the wound.

" CALL 911" she yelled.

" lani" i said coughing up blood.

" no no y/n you're okay... you're gonna be just fine just keep your eyes open" she told me.

" i'm tired tho" i said forcing my eyes to stay open.

my vision got blurry and then it was black.

flashback over

" she saved my life and long story short later that night we kissed in my hospital bed" i said pointing at the scar on my stomach.

" i never knew what that tattoo really stood for"

"well now you do.... i would walk a thousand miles on legos and pebbles for that girl" i chuckled sitting in the chair.


i walked back in the house from walking karrueche to her car.

i walked back into the house and went upstairs.

i walked to my door to see it closed so i opened it to hear sniffles.

" keh what's wrong" i asked.

" i- nothing i'm fine" she said wiping her face.

" hey" i said crouching to them taking their hands and holding them. " what's going on"

" i'm scared y/n" she said as tears fell.

" of what"

" of actually being a parent" she said.

" keh this is what you wanted since we were kids" i said.

" yeah but what if i don't do this parenting thing right, what if i fuck up and they end up hating me, what if-"

" keh you're going to be an amazing mother wether you know it now or find out when you have them, they are gonna love and look up to you as a mother and as a mentor at times as a they grow, you overcame struggles that would've broken anyone and took them off the path of success, yeah you stumbled off at times but you always got right back on it and look where you are now" i said.

" you think so" she asked.

" i know so" i said wiping the tears on her cheek off.

" thank you" she said barely above a whisper.

"no problem" i said kissing her head.


damn so that's what that date means...

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