|𝓢𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓻 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱|

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~Chapter 3~

Seeker in the Couch


"This better be worth my time..."

    I can't believe I'm wasting my time on this rock...Earlier while the earth's sun was peeking out from the horizon, I spotted an unidentifiable flaming object falling into the earth's atmosphere. At first, I thought nothing of it! Just an asteroid..well, the computers in the harbinger stated otherwise...it has a...unique signature to say the least..definitely not cybertronian, nor just a waste of space in our galaxy..it was something else...
    I would've just ignored it but... I  haven't had the best of luck lately...the apex armor was taken by the Autobots, the red Energon still needed time, and I'm still too cowardly to perform my t-cog replacement surgery!...anything could be of use to me with the right tools...
    As the device in my hand beeped louder as I drew closer, I scanned the entire area around me including the skies, trees, or any form of a hiding place...no one seemed to be around...Not an Autobot or Decepticon in sight! "I must be the first one here."
    The device in my servos beeped loud as ever causing me to stop and look up. "What in the name of Cybertron?!." In front of me was a large pit, the earth scorched black and the plant life on fire. That's not what surprised me...what did was what was at the bottom of the pit.
    I carefully slid into the pit to get a better look at the strange artifact, keeping a missile out ready to fire Incase anybot tried to attack me. Wedged between some rocks was this...strange ring..it looked like a space bridge but...way smaller. Could this be a way of transportation?..whatever it is I couldn't help but smirk.
    "Thank the Allspark!" I sang aloud as I pushed the rocks out of the way of my prize..at the bottom of the ring there was a small control panel..badly damaged but it's nothing I couldn't fix "Whatever you are..I'm certain you will be of great use to me..."


*Recharge complete..*


    Before I decided to open my optics I laid my servo down onto the surface I was resting on..it was...soft..definitely not a berth..and what was wrapped around me?! I finally decided to open my optics and looked down at the rest of my body. This strange soft tarp was wrapped around me..I growled and kicked off the tarps and went to stand up "Where the-"
    As soon as I got onto my pedes a sharp pain came out of only Primus knows where and knocked me right onto the ground "Gah! What the-" I looked down to see white cloth wrapped around several parts of my body and "WHERE IS THE REST OF MY WING?!"
    I had just noticed that half of one of my wings was snapped off and the white cloth was wrapped around the tear. What happened while I was in statis?...what happened..before...I was in statis? All I can remember was waking up in a massive alleyway and..Wait...I remembered something while I was in statis!
    "So that artifact I found must've shrunk me and dropped me into this alleyway! Just great! I should've never gone to investigate!" I yelled in fury..wait..I'm not in the alleyway...then...where..I slowly turned my helm to my surroundings and froze..a screen mounted on the wall, a small table in front of this weird-shaped throne...I can't be..I..."I'm in a human base.."
    All of a sudden..I heard a thud "No...No no no.." another thud echoed around the room as I felt my spark stop. I slowly turned my helm to where I heard the thud as what was left of my wings lowered against my back "Scrap-!"

(Y/N)'s POV

    You walked into the living room making sure you didn't spill the Energon-filled medicine cup. "I hope he wakes up soon-" You looked up to glance at the couch and froze...the little seeker that crashed into your windshield was awake and staring right at you with wide eyes..okay maybe you didn't hope that soon.
    You and Starscream stared at each other, trying to process what was happening until you decided to break the silence. "Hello-" Starscream immediately snapped out of his trance and let out a shriek of terror that you could barely hear because of the distance between you.
    Starscream immediately got onto his feet and started running, trying his best to keep steady. Seeing this visible act of fear you grew panicked as well "No no no! It's okay! I'm not going to hurt you!" You said setting the Energon down on the coffee table as you approached Starscream at a rapid pace which was a bad move on your part.
    "GET BACK!" He yelled as he raised his arm, a middle poking out as he put his hand in a familiar place "Oh crap!" He moved his fingers as the missile flew off his arm and right towards you. You yelped as you moved your head just in time for it to miss your face and land on the wall instead. You looked at the black smudge on the wall and winced, how are you going to explain that to your landlord?
    With this distraction, Starscream decided the only safe place he could go was inside your couch and when you noticed him halfway behind one of the cushions your eyes widened "No no! Don't go in there!" You yelled which caused Starscream to yelp and squirm right into the couch.
    You sat down next to the couch "Please get out, it's not safe in there!" You said as softly as you could without sounding panicked. You looked into the little hole Starscream for himself into to see little red eyes staring at you back. When he saw you looking back at him he let out a gasp and buried himself even deeper "No-..."
    You let out a sigh as you laid your head on the cushion..you were starting to regret your decisions "Hey...it's okay..." You said as softly as you could. You heard a growl come out of the couch, seeing those eyes peer at you again.
    Why did he have to go into the couch? Why didn't he just try and fly away? Yeah, he's weak but he would've at least tried...maybe he can't fly. You did remember in season 2 his t-cog was taken by the human villains, so he couldn't fly until he went back with Megatron...so maybe he still doesn't have it..and during that time he was starving..so maybe you could lead him out with Energon!
    You turned back to the small cup of Energon on the coffee table before slowly picking it up and holding it in plain sight "Do you know what this is?" You asked. Seeing the glowing blue liquid made Starscream's eyes slightly widen "Ener..gon?..." he shuddered as you saw him lean closer but he remained in the dark so you couldn't see his face.
    "Yeah, it's Energon..and if you come out you can have it." You said, causing Starscream to wince and back up again "I will never come out, flesh bag!" Oh yeah..that's what they call humans...You let out a sigh "C'mon you can't be in there..." You said to which Starscream only growled "Who says I can't?!" You raised a brow "I literally just did..."
    Starscream went quiet as he continued to stare at the Energon "Leave the Energon out and leave! Then I'll come out.." he snarled. You sighed "If it's the only way..." You lightly set the Energon and stood up "Just...don't go back in the couch okay?..try to find somewhere else to hide..." Starscream seemed to roll his eyes at you by the way they moved "Whatever..now leave!"

Starscream's POV

    I watched as the human left the room, keeping their eyes on me before they were out of sight...now I know what it's like when humans see us..
    I focused my attention onto the Energon the human had left for me..It couldn't be Energon!..right?..How would a human have Energon?! It has to be fake..or if it is Energon it must be poisoned!..well...if it is poisoned..I'd rather die to it than die to a human..a giant human..
    As soon as I determined the human had left I slowly pulled myself out of the, what the human calls, couch and turned all attention to the Energon...it's been so long since I've seen that glow..
    I approached the cup and lifted it up in my servos, the container the human had put it in was around the same size as a cube. I scooped up a puddle of Energon in my servo and poured it into my intake..I smacked my dermas as I tried to process the taste...this was..indeed Energon..
    I couldn't take it anymore, I lifted up the container and poured the rest down my intake..thank you Primus...once I finished the entire container I sat down on my aft, a little huff of air coming out of my vents...Finally..
    I set the container down beside me as I got back onto my pedes, the Energon I just consumed allowed me to do so despite my injures...wait..what even happened to give me these injuries?...the only individual who would know this would be that human..If I want to find out how I got here..I'll have to ask them..

Word Count: 1630 Words

Transformers: Toys in Disguise (Transformers Prime) (Starscream x reader)Where stories live. Discover now