35: tropical depression ☆

Start from the beginning

"Pope, hands," Kiara called out.

"We're too late. He's gone," Shoupe realized. "God damn it!" He yelled as the SBI man walked over to Kiara and Emerson. "Bratcher, have your men stand down. Let me talk to these kids." Shoupe walked up to them as Bratcher walked past the girls hoping he'd see John B somewhere out on the water. "All right, where the hell is he? Where the hell is he?" He asked but none of the kids answered. "JJ? I see you're livin' up to your name. Pope, how about you? This isn't a fucking game!" You can do the right thing now! Where'd he go!"

"Suspect has just left Station 26 in a small boat. Need marine patrol to respond," Bratcher said into his walkie talkie.

"What about you Ms. Rhodes?" Shoupe asked, looking in the direction of the former kook. "You're parents are probably wonderin' where you are," He said and she scoffed at the statement.

"My dad left us and my mom kicked me out, I doubt they're out lookin' for me," Emerson informed him.

"Get in the car," Shoupe said walking over to his car, "all of you. Let's go!" He yelled at the four teenagers then they all started walking towards the car. "You two," he pointed to Pope and JJ, "over there!" He put them into one of the cars then led Kiara and Emerson to another car.

"Hey, hey," Kiara snapped when one of the cops tried pushing her into the backseat of the car. "I can walk, I have legs," she told them. The cop took a small step back then let her get into the car, Emerson followed close behind sliding into the seat next to Kiara.

They were both quiet as Shoupe got into the driver's seat. From the window they could see the boy's car driving away but Shoupe turned around to look at them before starting the car.

"This is your last chance girls," He told them, "tell me where John B is headed." Emerson looked over at Kiara who just crossed her arms over her chest refusing to say anything to him. "This isn't a game. We need to know where he is."

"We don't know," Emerson lied, her voice remaining steady as she spoke.

Shoupe sighed then turned back around, starting the car and driving towards their command center. He knew it wouldn't be that easy to make a teenager turn against their friends, but Shoupe knew everyone on the island and he could easily tell there was one person in this group that was different from the others.


By the time they got to the command center it was dark out. Night had taken over and with the power still out they couldn't see much outside of the few tents the SBI officers had set up.

"Follow Plumb to that tent," Shoupe told Emerson once she exited the car. "Hold on. Wait for your friends," He added then soon enough Kiara, JJ, and Pope were by her side.

"This way. Come on," Plumb instructed them.

All four of them were stunned seeing all the tents that had been set up for John B. There were reporters taking pictures of them and reporting the story live. The sound of their voices all talking over each other made Emerson feel disoriented as she followed Plumb to the tent.

"To your left here," Shoupe pointed to a couple seats lined up against the wall.

"Right here."

"Sit down. Don't move. We've got a lot to talk about," Shoupe said as he began walking further into the tent. "Keep an eye on these kids," He instructed one of his officers.

"Blockade is up at the marsh and Masonboro and all other inlets from Shem creek to Breach Inlet," One of the SBI men announced as he stood up at the table. "I want eyes on all coastal points, people. Let's get this guy."

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