"No!" Summer screamed

Her hanfs immediately latched onto Melanie's as she tugged her close towards her body

The brunette's eyes widened as she squealed on her way down

She was then pulled onto Summer's lap, bridal style while the girl hooked her arms around her body so she couldn't fall over


"You'll get your dress dirty" The raven hair girl smirked

"WhA- i-"

She couldn't argue with that, she didn't even realize it was going to happen in the first place

Having Summer's arms holding her tenderly in place made her heart flutter in her chest. Her face brushed against the girl's shoulder as she laid in her arms

Comfort and warmth invaded her senses, her eyes glanced into the girl's and witnessed the earthy hues of brown, more beautiful than the lake and mountains tops combined. Auburn coloured and flaring her eyes were against the rays of orange sun, her soft pink lips curled into a smile as she stared down at Melanie

But the feeling started to settle in, knowing she couldn't be in the position, despite what her heart was telling

"I can't sit on you" the girl said, stirring out of Summer's grasp

A small pout came to Summer's lip in a playful way but she hid the dissapointment underneath

As the girl started to get up, Summer's panic started to settle in, she didn't want her sitting on the bare ground

"Here-" The raven hair girl started to peel off her denim jacket and placed it flat next to her

"I'm not sitt-"

"It's either that or my face, make a choice" Summer glared

Without hesitation, Melanie dropped to the jacket and settled comfortably on the material before turning away. The raven hair girl chuckled as she joined her stare out to the water

The deep hue of the lake became the poetic song of the light that played upon it's wind dancing ruffles

"There's not much to say about me" She started

"I'm sure you have history"

"Ptff, history" Melanie muttered

"I assume you have a past"

"I wish I had the opportunity to have a past much less a future" The girl mumbled, bringing her knees up to her chest

"I've never had the opportunity to go out in the street with the kids in the neighborhood or learn to kick a ball. Apparently it's too manly to play with balls-"

"That's the nastiest freakiest shit I've ever heard you say" Summer snickered

"Would you shut up" The girl playfully glared

"Sorry. Sorry, continue" She smiled, Melanie playfully rolled her eyes

"There's a heavy life that comes with being the pastor's daughter. It's not like I wanted to be her in the first place. The simplest of things get him triggered and my mother says nothing at all. Apparently it's not her place to question the man of the house so neither do I. He thinks he has so much control, people constantly praise him. It's like they worship him as God himself. I've been kept away from everything. You know, I never knew what a novel was until I started highschool. I had to beg to go to school, he didn't want any woman under his house to have an education, it wasn't the way of his Bible. That always confused me but if he says it's so then I have no choice to agree. I always see families being treated differently, they seem so happy sometimes to be in each other's company. They don't seem.. Controlling at all. But then again every family is different. We never know what goes on behind closed walls nor are we to judge" she said

"You seem to do exactly that"

"I have my beliefs Summer. I try not to judge you but if someone's doing wrong then I want to help them into the light-"

"God you sound like a cult leader"

"A what?"

"You've got to be kidding me" Summer chuckled

"I told you before, I don't understand half the things you say"

"That's because you're not educated on alot of things Melanie. And you're not open minded to listen either"

The brunette lowered her head, her eyes glancing over a few rocks scattered by her feet

Summer sighed as she tilted her head back, allowing the warm sunlight to hit her skin

Melanie knew the girl was right, there was so much to life that she didn't know of

But it would send her father insane to know that she even tried to break away from his rules. His orders. His restrictions

"You know you don't have to listen to him right?"

"How could I not listen to my father"

"Just because he's the 'pastor' doesn't mean he NEEDS to be respected. He's not God, he's a human with flaws just like everyone else. We all earn respect and from what I've heard, he's far too controlling and you think that's okay" Summer said

The brunette brought her lips between her teeth as she glanced over to the girl

It wasn't easy to disobey. It wasn't easy to take that first step

It was scary, not knowing what would happen or how it would change

But deep down, Melanie knew something should to be different

No. It needed to be different

But was she ready to break out of what she's always known

Need Mr Beast to give me a car rbn

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