"This is so bruce Blue!" Alright, you Can 'reveal' yourself now," Red said as he tucked his chain sickle away.
"Blue? You still here?"

The female Ninja quietly snuck her way over to Randy and tapped him on the shoulder.

"What the-?" he asked as he turned his head around.

(Y/n) couldn't help but let out a giggle as she made sure not to accidentally touch him, revealing her place.

"Oooh, you messin' with me? Okay, okay," the male Ninja realized as he took a defensive stance and looked around him.
(Y/n) then ran past him, moving the air with her.

"What are you up too...?"

(Y/n) laughed again, gaining her partners attention.

"You know, when being sneaky you're not supposed to make any noise, remember?"
"I know, but we're just playing around. I can make some noise," she replied as she leaned in close to his ear.
"Where am I?" Blue teased as she quickly retracted away from Red.
He blushed a bit from her being so close, but quickly composed himself.

"You know, I have my methods too, ya know. Ninja nose knows," he said as he closed his eyes and focused only on his sense of smell.
Lucky for him, her scent wasn't hard to pick up on because of her cherry blossom scented smoke bombs.

Blue was a bit confused why he had closed his eyes, but didn't put much thought into it as she snuck her way towards him. She was about to playfully shove him when he misread her intentions and tackled her.
She lost her focus and became visible yet again as the two skidded across the floor a short distance.
Red opened his eyes and looked triumphant.
"Hah! Totally read the cheese out of your attack!"
"Huh? I was gonna shove you, what did you think I was gonna do?"
"I... thought u were gonna tackle me so I tackled... you...."

The two started blushing as they further realized the position they were in.
Randy quickly stood up and offered to help (Y/n).
"Sorry about that, thought u were gonna tackle me."
"It's okay," Blue replied nervously before grabbing onto his hand.
She was pulled up, but Randy used a bit too much force and caused her to stumble onto him, almost making her fall over.
He grabbed onto her shoulders and pushed her back up.
"Sorry! Again...."
"It's cool, it was an accident. Um... thanks for teaching me this new ability. I cant believe I can be completely invisible! How bruce is that?! Thank you, Sensei Red," Blue said sarcastically as she bowed at him.
"'Twas my pleasure, apprentice Blue."
He bowed back and as the two stood up, they laughed.
"Ah, good stuff. Today's lesson is officially over. See you later?" asked Red.
"Course! Till the next monster, Red Ninja."

The dojo they were in disappeared, leaving them in an outside scenery. The ground started to tremble and the earth beneath their feet turned to water, making them fall in.

The two teens shloomped out of their respective Nomicon's and became conscious.

• • •

"Ow! Jeez, could you hurl anything else at us! Oh cheese," Blue mumbled, standing up quickly off of the floor before a desk managed to hit her, "I was being sarcastic!"
"You okay?!" asked Red Ninja as he wrapped up the stank-ified student.

Debbie Kang took on the appearance of a hedge hog, but was much more viscous looking. She pulled out her journaling notebook and wrote in it.

Red suddenly stopped moving and saw that his feet were frozen to the ground.
"The juice?!"
"I got this Ninja!"

Blue was now out of sight as stanked Debbie looked around, wondering where the other Ninja had gone.
She wrote down in her journal again and Blue was revealed, running towards Debbie's back.

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