Chapter Forty - Sam

Start from the beginning

"we should get our supplies and just leave in the morning Josh" I said looking over at him in the drivers seat

"where would we go"

"I don't know just far from here, , an island or something, somewhere there isn't people" I'd had just about enough of gangs although chances of finding another house set up with water and power like this one were pretty slim.

Josh pulled the car out the garage and onto the road, driving back towards our home which we were soon to be leaving again, I just wanted to find somewhere and stay, I was sick of moving about.

The sun was setting as I stared out the window contemplating where we would go, They said they would be watching Sam" Josh was right, but how could they be watching every square mile of the countryside

"it's a big place though, how can they really patrol it all"

"what if they have just blocked the roads, if they catch us"

I didn't really know what Jasper would do if he caught us, we probably would be dead

"shit, there someone following us" Josh sat up in the seat peering in the rear view mirror, I turned around and he was right, a black saloon car gaining quick

Josh hit the accelerator and the Landrover jolted forward, just as we came to the turning onto the smaller b road and around a blind corner I felt the car suddenly stopping, the tyres screeching in a cloud of smoke as the car came to a halt, in front of us was another two cars blocking the road, Jasper stood in front.

Gun fire erupted as I ducked behind the dashboard and pulled Josh down with me, an almighty bang followed with the high revving of an engine and shouting, Jaspers familiar voice mixed in with a dozen others as the door flung open to our car, Wooly one of the guns from earlier instructing us to get out onto the road at gun point, we had littler other option.

"hey we just needed to find a car to get you your supplies" I protested as Wooly got another goon, to tie up my paws and Josh's hands, all the while holding the rifle directly at us, "just stay there, we'll deal with you shortly.

Behind Wooly it was clear the car behind us were the ones they were after, now riddled with bullet holes crashed into a tree and the back end of one of Jaspers guys trucks.

A lady and a man were being dragged from the car, fighting against the furs dragging them out but they were no match and were kicked to the ground for their efforts before being tiewrapped up and shoved next to their car.

A screaming teen about 17 was pulled from the back seat, his blue jeans now a crimson from his right thin down, he held his hand over his thigh as he screamed in pain dropping to the floor

"mum im shot" he cried between sniffles.

The chaos slowed down a little my eyes not knowing what information to take in next, the three survivors now tiewrapped up against the car as Jasper walked up to us

"well if it isn't my new best friend, I'm glad we caught you out here, Wooly that's no way to treat our friends, untie them instantly"

Wooly grunted and released us both, I got to my feet rubbing my wrists from the ties, "You see Sam and Josh, you are friends of the Colony, these over here tried to fuck us over" Jasper wrapped his arm around my shoulder walking me forward towards the crashed car and the three survivors.

"Sam this is Gill, her husband Matt, and there son... oh I forget his name it doesn't matter" he waved a pistol in their direction, "these poor bastards didn't think the colony was good enough for them" Jasper continued "didn't want our hospitality and after just 3 weeks they want to run off into the sunset and no longer pay their share, isn't that right Gill"

"fuck you" she spat blood out at his feet

"Gill, Gill, Gill" he repeated slowly a disappointed look on his face looking between Josh and I and the three survivors

"just let us go, we never did anything to deserve this" Matt said slumped up against the car

"50 percent Matt, its 50 fucking percent, you knew the rules, and you chose to run anyway and here we are, not what am I going to do with you, that's the question isn't it Gill"

He leaned into her as she stared on blankly through gritted teeth, her hair matted in blood while her son lay next to her holding his wound.

"Well he's not going to make it is he" Jasper pointed the gun at the teen, "he's gonna turn and eat you, I can see it already look, pale skin, sweating"

"just let us go, please Jasper" Gill cried out "Take whatever is in the car its yours"

"whatever is in the car is mine anyway, if I went on letting people go it wouldn't be very good for our reputation now would it"

"those we our supplies we paid our fair share" Matt piped up again

"no Matt, you hid some, just so you could run off didn't you, thought I wasn't watching" he pointed the gun at him and his t-shirt stained red from the stomach as the bang almost followed afterwards

"I fucking hate Liars Matt"

Gill screamed out trying to clutch him, "you fucking monster" she screamed as the boy cried out "dad"

Matt coughed and wheezed against the car, "Get him in the car, the others too" Gill and her son screamed in protest as Jaspers goons threw them all back in the car, the boy was put in the front seat and gill in the back with Matt.

"cut his hands free" Jasper pointed to Matt just as the goon shut the car door.

"you see this Sam... Josh, now I like you two, you're an asset, so don't make me do this to you"

Gill fought with her restraints and kept trying to open the car door but the goons kept them pushed closed, Matts skin turned pale before his eyes went milky and a black tar dribbled out his mouth.

He was a zombie now, snapping furiously as the car bounced around though his movements, Gills screams and the boys were heard for a while as I put my paws to my muzzle and looked away

The screams were soon replaced by growls and snapping teeth, Jasper pulled out a spray paint can and wrote 'You can't run' in red paint onto the car.

I felt sick at the back of my throat just as Jasper turned around as if nothing happened and walked back up to us, "So important lesson, stay on my good side, and 50 percent yeah guys" he stood between us and patted us on the shoulders, "Come on let them through" Jasper said as some of his guys moved a truck out the way.

Josh and I clambered back into the car speechless, putting the car into gear and driving off Jasper pointed his fingers to his eyes then to us doing the 'I'm watching you' signal which sent a shiver down my spine

I looked to Josh and he was pale his hands shaking slightly "you ok" I asked as Josh shook his head "we've got to get supplies haven't we" he said without taking his eyes off the road.

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