Bachelor Pad - He's Doing It Right

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"Did I get here in time?" he huffed and puffed.

"Oh yeah."  I have never such punctuality! "You did.  And I'm happy for that.  But please forgive me if I keep your picture for those long, cold, and lonely nights."

"Nothing wrong with that."  His eyes were absolutely devilish.  "Especially since you won't be looking at it again since I have no intention of having you cold or lonely."

This man...damn...

Like a gentleman, he helped me into his sleek black car, making sure I was all settled before coming around to his side.  And like a proper girlfriend-slash-sex kitten, I reached around and opened the door for him, returning the favor.

Wait...was I his girlfriend, really?  I still didn't know what I was to him - what this relationship was in the first place.  Oh yeah, we have plenty of fun together, and the sex, good God, the sex was on fire.  He was kind enough to send me that picture to me when I needed a pick me up, but he could have just did that as a gesture of goodwill to keep the fiery intercourse coming.

Not that he needed to work that far, honestly.

We never really even talked about it.  There just seemed to be this attract between us and we acted it out in many different ways, in various states of undress.  I was getting attached.  I really liked Kaim - hell, I was falling for him.  But I was afraid to tell him this.  I didn't want to open up and tell him the truth, only to have him laugh in my face saying "Haha, bitch you crazy!" while running away with a beautiful blonde supermodel who magically appeared the moment my heart broken in a million tiny pieces.

Yes, I'd given a lot of thought to my dilemma.

In any case, my thoughts were temporarily pushed aside as we pulled into the garage of his apartment building, indeed just about fifteen minutes away from my house - that is if you weren't looking.  I caught once glance and my breath hitched.  What a difference fifteen minutes made - while I lived in a small but respectable apartment in a hipster neighborhood, Kaim lived in Lincoln Square, a group of stylish but ridiculously expensive loft apartments that I'd lusted after for years but pretty much gave up on the prospect of ever living in one.

He must be one hell of a designer.

"You live here?" I asked in disbelief.  " here?"

"Yes, I do.  At least, that's the apartment hunter said."  He smiled an amused smile.  "You seem surprised."

"Well, yeah, I guess I am," I said as the door slide open and we made our way down the hall.  "This place has a reputation of being the chi-chi-est of the chi-chi.  I do okay for myself, but these places are supposed to be very expensive."

"There is no 'supposed to be' - they are."  We walked up in front of apartment number 403, the jingling of his eyes echoing in my ears.  "But it seems that finding housing in this area is pretty tough, and everywhere else was way too high.   I'm pleased with my choice, though - this is a nice place to live, though your place is pretty nice, too."

"You think so?" 

"I know so."  I watched as he unlatched the door, turning the knob.  "Here - see for yourself."

As the door opened wide and the lights flickered on with a quiet hum, I felt like I'd been punched in the gut.  My eyes took in quite possibly the most elegant bachelor pad I had ever seen in my life, outfitted in a sleek color scheme of white, gray, and black that would make even the most dutiful Ikea designer envious.  The hardwood floors were so shiny and sleek, I could make out my reflection.  Various curios gave character his house, including African Masks, Indian Elephant figurines, and even a bonsai tree on a console right behind his couch.  Never have ever felt so poor and miniscule in my life.  "Are you kidding?  Compared to this place, I live in a dump!"

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