Episode 13

748 45 3

Kang Sol A pov

After waking up feeling unusually refreshed, I vaguely remember walking into the dorms with Jeon Ye-seul, I think we were with Han Joon Hwi and Min Bok-gi outside, how I got there I have no idea.

I know I didn't drink yesterday, I was on the bus with Joon Hwi I told him to let me sleep then wake me up when we arrived at our stop.

He threatened to carry me if I fell asleep. Did he? Why were Ye-seul and Bok-gi there?

I quickly freshen up and get dressed, I think a trip to a café will be good. Last night was one of the best sleeps I've had in weeks. I'll find out how I got back later.


I'm sitting in the café alone with a nice iced Americano and some Omurice when Joon Hwi enters the café. He heads straight to the counter but it seems like he hasn't spotted me yet so I quickly  move to the other side of the table so my back is toward him and untie my hair so he won't recognise me from the back. Hopefully.

I eat my food slowly and anxiously until he appears next to me looking at me face, "Why are you hiding, Kang Sol-A-yah?" he asks. 

I don't like his tone. 

He sits down in the seat I was sitting in before and places his iced Americano on the table along with a plate of bibimbap.

"We didn't even come together and we bought the same drink," he notes.

"So? Min Bok-gi orders this as well, if he turns up with an iced Americano, are you going to point it out?"

He laughs, "No, but he most probably will."

"Shut up."

He laughs again, "How'd you sleep last night?"

"Pretty good seeing as I got up at 10 am," I say.

"Almost 14 hours of sleep, that's pretty good," he nods. "I'm glad I listened."

"You only half listened," I scold. "You let me sleep but I don't remember being woken up."
"That's because I thought you'd like to sleep."

"But you literally said five minutes before I fell asleep that if you carried me back to the dorms people will start rumours," I hiss quietly.

"What makes you think I carried you?" he says. "Min Bok-gi could have done it, or he could have brought a shopping cart and put you in there."
"But that didn't happen because I would have woken up and Min Bok-gi would have had to get on the bus to carry me, oh and I also don't remember climbing out of a shopping cart."

"Fair enough," he shrugs whilst holding a sly smile. Stupid gumiho reincarnate.

"How'd you avoid rumours and why were Min Bok-gi and Ye-seul there?"

"I avoided rumours by getting Ye-seul to come, Min Bok-gi turned up as a tagalong."
"Okay," I nod. "Did you tell them about what my mum said to you?"

"About being her son-in-law?" he asks. "Of course not."

"You better not have," I warn.


"Or I'll tell everyone about your fear of dogs."

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