Episode 2

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Joon Hwi Pov

Classes are over now and everyone is grumbling about being exhausted. Every few seconds as I pass my fellow students I hear them complain, most of the complaints are about the intense test we had with Professor Yang.

I didn't have a problem with it but whenever I peered over at Sol A, I could see her hyper-focused on the task at hand. I prayed that all her study sessions have paid off. I know Professor Yang also has a lot of faith in her but rather than making it easier for her, he works her harder. They have a love-hate father-daughter relationship going on, according to Ye-seul. Every so often I see Sol A following after Professor Yang and then they sit down for a meal. Sometimes I hear her say "I'm not your student today, so please!" and then she will give him a pleading look until he finally gives in.

He seems pretty fond of her, he clearly tolerates her more than any other student. I doubt if Bok Gi used the same logic on him, the result would be the same.

Suddenly, Ye-seul runs over to me, "Oppa, have you seen eonni?"

"Umm... I saw her when we had the test," I recall. "Is she missing?"
"No one has seen her since then!" Ye-seul sighs.

"Have you tried ringing her?" Sol B says as she appears from behind us.

"Of course we have!" Ye-seul rolls her eyes. "She won't pick up!"

"Her phone's most probably on silent," I rationalize. "She wouldn't want her sisters or mum calling her whilst she's in class."

"True," Ye-seul agrees. "Can you try looking for her, Oppa? You know her best."

I feel blood rush to my cheeks, "Wouldn't you know her better than me?"

"You're the one who's met her mum and sister," Sol B replies. "And been to her house. And generally takes care of her when she overworks herself. And stares at her for a large percentage of the day."

"Alright, alright, you don't need to tell the entire university," I sigh.

"Most of the law students already know," Ye-seul laughs. "No more distractions, go find eonni."

I nod then walk back the way I came, I'll start Professor Yang's class and work my way backwards. When I arrive I see Professor Yang sitting at his desk doing some paperwork, he looks up at me and nods in a direction, I turn to see Sol A fast asleep at her desk. "Please remove her from the classroom, Han Joon Hwi-ssi."

"Yes gyosunim," I say quickly then I rush over to Sol A then calm myself down so she doesn't worry about me being worried about her on top of being embarrassed about falling asleep.

"Kang Sol-ya," I say quietly as I nudge her shoulder slightly. "Kang Sol-ya."

"Sol A," she mutters sleepily.

"Kang Sol-ya," I say again slightly louder to irritate her.
She wakes up and says "It's Kang Sol A, how many times do I have to tell you?!"

I turn to see Professor Yang look up slightly from his papers but he doesn't say anything, I can tell he is amused by her outburst.

"Well, Kang Sol A, you fell asleep after the test, everyone has been looking for you," I say smiling. I watch as her eyes widen with shock as she looks at her surroundings and spots the Professor then yelps and starts packing away her things and apologising repeatedly and bowing slightly in her direction.

I lean forward and whisper "You should be glad that this Professor is much more merciful than Professor Snape."

In response she hits my shoulder and starts leaving her desk, I turn to the Professor who is raising an eyebrow at me but I just nod respectfully and follow over the flustered girl.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" she exclaims as we leave the classroom.
"Check your phone," I shrug.
I hear her yelp then exclaim "15 missed calls!"

"Your friends are very protective of you," I laugh. "Come on, let's go tell them you're okay,"

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