part 99

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"Stay down for five seconds!?" Sal yells, as twisted pushes her away, ignoring the pain, as she stands up, staying stubborn. Katsumi pauses, and stays quiet, whilst berry and rin stay at the back. Sal grumbles. Knowing she needs to stay down, so tries again, as twisted painfully steps back, before shoving sal down, and leaning against the wall. Sal pauses, unsure of what to do, so she stands back up, and sighs, knowing she will remain stubborn. 

"Unlike you dumbasses, I actually want to get this shit sorted." Twisted says, wiping her mouth as a black liquid flows out of it. Sal steps back, not liking that liquid, as katsumi grabs her shoulder, holding it tightly, almost breaking her collarbone. Sal tries to get out but can't as katsumi snickers, watching as rin looks over, having been cuddling berry, who remains quiet, not sure of what to say or do. Twisted smirks somehow, as she looks at the ceiling, knowing she's dying. Sal looks away before glancing back with frustration. 

"So what, you  going to pull a martyr move?" Sal asks, as twisted looks over, grabbing the wound as it gets worse. She stands up, almost falling over at the same time. Katsumi pauses, knowing her deal will get broken if twisted dies, making her faulter, giving sal a chance to get out of her grip, and grabs twisted by her scarf. She remains smirking as sal almost just drops her and walks away. "So, care to tell us your stupid plan?" Sal adds, as twisted tilts her head and pauses, before laughing. 

"Why would I tell you?" Twisted asks, grabbing sals face as she flinches at the touch making twisted snicker, "because you always want to know what's going to happen. Learn that maybe you can't have everything you want." Twisted spits, as sal rolls her eyes and throws twisted down, who stands up and grabs sal from behind, before tracing her hand down her jaw, making berry cover rins eyes as katsumi pauses, unsure of how to feel about this. Sal stays still, as twisted looks over, pushing her glasses over her head. 

"Obviously I can't, but I know I can have social distance at fucking least." Sal says, trying to get out of twisteds grasp, but fails, spotting twisteds tendrils wrapping around her waist. Twisted stays quiet, as the kitsune covers berrys eyes, making her look around in confusion. Katsumi on the other hand, walks to the doorway, as she spots hikari walking around. Knowing she isn't in the state to fight, watching as she walks away. Sal glances over and spots her, before twisted suddenly pauses, and stays quiet. 

"Oh, well, that's a problem." Twisted mutters, before staggering back, and puking up the same black liquid, as sal just barely misses getting hit by it. Katsumi looks over and grabs sal, getting the Impact, whilst her body burns as the liquid mimics a acid, as sal pushes katsumi away. Twisted snickers, not caring, as hikari suddenly stabs the unit door, pulling it open with her scythe. The others pause, a she stands there. Rin looks over in fear and hides behind the animals. Hikari looks around and stares at sal. Sal looks back, guessing she's going to get attacked again.

"What did sakura say, before you made out with my mother?" Hikari asks, as sal gets at the sentence. Katsumi snickers, whilst hikari remains quiet and emotionless. Twisted on the other hand, disappears, as she watches hikari, as she keeps a tight grip on her scythe. "Because I hate you, but I need sakura back, otherwise I see no point to what I'm doing." Hikari adds, making sal pause, knowing hikari cares about sakura. "So yes, for now I have a truce, until we get her back." Hikari says, making sal pause, knowing for now, it's the best option. 

"Everything happened to fast, I can't remember. And for your information, that was forced acting." Sal adds, whilst hikari doesn't care. "Why, your her sister, you should know what to do," sal mutters, as hikari tries to stay calm, as katsumi leans against the wall, glad she did what she did. Sal thinks things through, as berry makes sure rin isn't seen. 

"Shame, I thought you was better than that, nevertheless she is on the verge of killing eveyone, because of your actions." Hikari mutters, pressing the scythe against sals neck, who stops in her tracks, knowing not to make a move, whilst the others say as is, knowing how unstable hikari is. 

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