"I know your lying, your a manipulator." Sakura stutters, trying to not believe what twisted is saying, as she shakes her head. "You got trapped in a box, because they wanted you dead. Delta on my wanted you alive because he thought he loved you, well, that wasn't him was it?" Twisted says, as sakura remembers. "You forced him into those situations, knowing he was weak, and just wanted comfort, he is now even more broken because of you. How do you feel about that," twisted laughs, as sakura shakes her head, whilst katsumi sneaks into the unit, making sal hesitate, but know she has a plan. 

Katsumi leans down and grabs sals face, adirmring it whilst removing the chains. "Well, even though you have some nasty scars, you still look pleasing. Shame my stupid mistake likes you." Katsumi snickers, as sal tries to say something but gets katsumis hand down her mouth. "What, you think sakura did this? No, it's my trick, she stole it without realising. It's a way to kill someone. But first you have to seduce them, then use acid to burn their insides out." Katsumi explains, making sal realise sakuras been almost killing her each time with knowing. 

She glances outside, as twisted tries to hide her disgust from katsumi, as she continues to insult sakura. Katsumi takes the chance, and looks at sal, who gags and chokes. She takes her hand out, before grabbing her face, making twisted and sakura look over, twisted in shock and fear, as sakura says nothing, before katsumi glances over. 

"She never was yours sakura." Katsumi snickers, grabbing sal and forcefully acting out a make out, making twisted grab rin and hide, knowing that wasn't part of the plan. She runs and spots berry, rushing over and grabbing her too. Berry remains confused as rin waves hello. 

Sakura watches as sal pushes katsumi away, as the shock fades away, she gets up, as katsumi follows, before sakura steps back, stumbling over as sal stops herself. "Sakura wait-" sal says, but stops herself, as sakura gets a sharp pain through her head, before she grabs her eye and rips the parasite out, making katsumi walk away, knowing exactly what she did. 

"Part of our deal sal, I had to make out you cheated, so you get sakura back, so, I'll be waiting for my payment." Katsumi says, walking away, as sal looks at her unsure of what she means, as sakura glances over, covering her bleeding eye socket as she grins, panting out of breath as sal tries to move, but can't, finding tendrils wrapping around her legs. Sakura stands up, before looking away and snickering to herself. Sal tries to get out but looks away for a moment, and finds sakura leaning over her, grinning. 

"So, you wanted to be better than the others? Didn't want me so went for my mother?" Sakura asks, blood dripping down her mouth as her abilities go into overdrive, whilst she goes into her beserk mode. Sal says nothing, as fear takes over. 

"S-sakura listen." Sal starts, but sakura places her finger against Sal's lips, shushing her immediately. Sal does as asked, as sakura let's her go. 

"Run." Sakura says, as sal does it, rushing outside, as sakuras laughs take over, making sal try to find somewhere to hide. Sakura grabs her own face, and falls down, laughing and crying at the same time, before running out, and punch sal into the ground, as she looks at her with hate. Sal gets back up, and stumbles away, trying to get anyone's attention at this rate. 

Sakura watches, before she moves again, tearing Sal's legs off as she watches her scream in pain, sakura watches in glee, as she pins sal down. Sakura suddenly gets tossed away, as sal looks over and finds hikari looking at sakura, who springs back up, shattering hikaris ribcage before tearing her neck open, setting off a explosion, sending hikari backwards, sal doesn't hesitate, as sakura snaps her gaze back at sal, who regens her legs and runs, dodgeing past the others, and trying to find katsumi or twisted. 

Sakura runs over, pummeling the group down using their bodies to get closer, and bite Sal's neck slamming her down, as sal curses and impales her, whilst sakura yanks her jacket off, and pausing. Sal clambers back up, running again, a sakura holds the jacket tightly, before laughing or screaming sal can't tell, until her three spirit animals start chasing. 

The dragon tries to grab sal, who slides away, and punches the panthers jaw. The snake bites against Sal's neck, as she tears it off, watching as hikari appears again, beheading the dragon with ease, sliding down as she pushes sal aside, stopping sakuras attack. Sal doesn't think twice, as the panther gets tackled by kioshi, as the snake gets torn apart by the others. 

Sal doesn't look back, as she spots Rin, who gestures to a unit. Sal doesn't pause, and rushes over falling into the unit, where the others stay. Katsumi closes the door and tells her to stay quiet. Sal does as a massive explosion makes the unit almost get blown up. Rin whimpers as he can hear the fighting, as berry tries to calm the animals down, as they all remain just as scared. Twisted curses as she grabs Rin, who doesn't move, as katsumi tries to keep the unit in a stable state. Sal pauses, realising this was her fault. Yet knows she can't do or say anything right now. 

The noises continue as sakura shatters the sound barrier with her banshee scream, making Rin and twisted grab their ears, as they fall down, trying to avoid it. Katsumi curses as sal remains confused and scared. Hikari curses as sakura suddenly gets the ones under control onto her side. Even Delta splits from hikari, as she falls down, knowing this is a massive problem. 

Grabbing her scythe, and braces herself as the group start running in

She summons her dragon who takes out sakuras dragon, as hikari swiftly fights back, using her scythe and every melee ability she has, using the years of training to use, as the people refuse to go down, making her remember they have her abilities. Sakura remains in a state of insanity, as hikari knows she just has to wait until she breaks down. 

She grabs her necklace, that Rin gave, before using her own genderbent version, and using the better strength to her advantage, knowing agility isn't needed for this. Sakura looks over, as she grips the jacket, watching as hikari keeps taking the group down, as the dragons remain fighting. 

"She really was the better one." Sakura mutters, as hikari changes back to her normal state, as Delta gets involved. She curses underneath her breath, hoping the screams effects will wear down soon. She continues to battle it out, as sakura starts to shake in pain, making hikari pause, before her dragon goes down, making her get a massive pain through her face. 

Delta uses it as a chance, as alpha grapples her down. Delta grins before suddenly setting off a explosion, making hikari bald for a moment at the intensity of the fire, she quickly grows it back, knowing people will use it as a joke. Grabbing alpha she throws him against Delta, as she spots sakura fall down, curling up, as she cries into the jacket. Hikari takes control of the rest, as sakura laughs and cries. 

Hikari pauses, and walks away, knowing it's not her control to sort it out. Katsumi meanwhile, sighs, as sal tackles her down, making twisted place Rin down and tackle sal, who looks at her in shock. 

"She's on our fucking side for now. I've made a deal." Twisted mutters. Sal hesitates, as Rin goes to berry. She grabs him and the animals, making a massive cuddle session, knowing they need it. Rin purrs in comfort, as he grabs frostings fur and strokes it. 

"Well this so called deal with katsumi and me is no more." Sal spits, about to go out, but getting stopped by twisted, who winces in pain, making sal pause as twisted regains herself. Katsumi gets up, as she brushes down, watching as sal finds twisted badly wounded, as she falls down. 

"You can't heal it. Don't even try." Katsumi says, as twisted remains heavily bleeding, from her chest, as blood comes out of her mouth. "She's been struck by hikaris deacy, it's been there for ages." Katsumi adds, knowing if she dies the deal is off. Sal pauses, unsure of how to feel, as Rin looks over in fear. 

"Usually to get rid of deacy, is a healer who has that ability." Katsumi says, making them all pause. 

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