Chapter 44 Warning

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Narrator's point of View

We see Izuku early in the morning doing his morning jug while listening to music, when All of the sudden he dodged a Fire blast

When he looked to see where the Fire came from he Saw Endeavor walking towards him with a shit eating grin

Endeawhore: You dodge my Attack brat I'm impressed

Izuku: What do you want and why did you attack me

Endeawhore: I want you dead, You killed my Son Shoto and Katsuki, You also stole my Family The Bitch of a Women Rei, My First Failure Daughter Fuyumi and my Last Soldier Shoka, You also Healed that Failure Toya

Izuku: Don't Call them any of that

Endeawhore: It's True That Slut Rei left the most Powerful man in the world for what, someone who cares about her Feelings, and treats her with respect

Izuku: ................

Endeawhore: Fuyumi is a Failure, that show just get married to the Guy of my Choice, and breed me Powerful Grandkids, Then Never see them unless the are Failures like her

Izuku: .....................

Endeawhore: That Whore of my Daughter Shoka should have just followed my lead like Shoto did, be my Soldier, She would have also made me powerful Grandkids

Izuku: ....................

Endeawhore: Hahahah looks like I got through to you now Gi-

Izuku: I will never let you get near them, I will protect Sho, Fuyumi, Rei from you, You said you want to kill me then lets fight right now

Izuku looks at Endeawhore with eyes that say Pure Death, which made Endeawhore piss himself but acted like he wasn't scared

Izuku: I will Give you a Warning


Endeawhore was pissing himself more but again Acted calm, He looked at Izuku and with a pissed off tone

Endeawhore: I will kill you brat and force this world to bow before me, Just you wait I'll be seeing you soon

Endeawhore starts to use his Fire to Fly away, while Izuku watches him, when Endeawhore is gone Izuku was reaching for his phone to call Nezu, But Luckily for him Nezu was already there

Nezu: Izuku

Izuku: Uncle Nezu your here

Nezu: Yes I was on my way to your Dorm when I saw you talking to Endeawhore, And I recorded all of It and sent it to the Police and Heros Association

Izuku: Good now if you excuse me I am going to see my Girls

Nezu: Of Course but I say don't tell them what happen here

Izuku: Alright

Izuku starts to walk to his Dorm Building that Nezu said Him and his Harem will live in, as Izuku came close he saw the Sign Nezu Made Saying


and in small letters under the Big sign

For Girls that want to join please inform a Harem member by filling out the join request form

Izuku just looks at it and shacks his head then heads in, to see the Girls having breakfast, When They see Izuku they notice he was pissed and upset, but before they can say anything Izuku walked up to Shoka, Fuyumi and Rei and Hugged them, which surprise them but was Happy

Izuku broke the hug and walked away without saying anything which made the girls confused even more

Shoka: What wrong with Zuzu

Rei: Yea he never walks away without saying anything after a Hug

Fuyumi: You don't think he talked to him do you

At that Comment Rei, Shoka, Fuyumi all went quite, even the other girls went quite since they now what they are talking about since the told them

Rei: That Bastard, If he tries to hurt Izu I will kill him

Shoka: Same

Fuyumi: Same

The rest of Harem: We all will

Meanwhile in the Old Bar

We see Ikaros and Tempest just sitting with a Pissed off look on their face which they don't know why, Then the Door Opens to show Endeawhore walking

Endeawhore: That Brat is nothing to me

Ikaros and Tempest look at Endeawhore with a Pissed off Look that made Endeawhore back up as Ikaros walks up to him

Ikaros: We Told you not interact with him until the Exams Flaming Trash

Tempest: Now He probably knows you are working with Us

Tempest walks up to Endeawhore

Tempest: You interacting with him just messed our plans up look

Tempest points to a TV and Endeawhore looks and sees he is on the news

News Reporter: Breaking News Endeavor the #10 Hero has been removed from the Hero Association, and His Hero license has been terminated, We have video recording of Endeavor threatening a Student at UA, and saying he will force his family Back and use his Daughters breed powerful Grandkids

News Reporter: If you see Endeavor please Contact the Police or the Nears Hero

Ikaros turns off the TV while Tempest looks back at Endeawhore

Tempest: We gave you power since your a Hero but now your not so

Ikaros: Maybe we should kill you

Endeawhore: No wait I sorry

Tempest: Sorry doesn't unfuck our plans, but We will need you still, but you will have to stay here until the Exams AFO

AFO comes in but he isn't in his normal clothes no he was in a Maid outfit

AFO: Yes My Masters

Ikaros: Good you finally accepted the Maid role, It only took us melting your stomach 20 times

Tempest: Good now take Flaming Trash to his new Ceil, because he doesn't get a room for putting a knot in our plan

AFO: Of Course

AFO takes Endeawhore to his Ceil and Ikaros and Tempest look at each other

Ikaros: Sister is your Heart hurting also after Flaming Trash threatened Izuku

Tempest: Yes Dear Sister, why is that happening It started after we broke the seal with Those Idiots Help

Ikaros: Well when we become Human

Tempest: Your Right and our thoughts are more on Izuku and trying to kill him with The White one and Red One

Ikaros: Do we....... Need to kill him

Tempest: No....... I mean Yes ahhhhh what is happening to us

Ikaros: I don't know but lets end them soon so we can go back tobour world

Ikaros and Tempest walk away still confused on what is happening to them

(Hey Guys Hoped you Enjoyed the Chapter)

(What do you think is happening to Ikaros and Tempest why are they acting like this I want to hear your opinion)

(Not much to say now so)

This is Jinzo Signing Out

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