Mine 2

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Mine 2



After Class

"Hey, Me and Jennie are having a sleepover wanna come?" Jisoo asked me while we were walking towards the exit of the school

"Sure, what time?" She smiled

"Um at around 7 PM tonight, Maybe I should just pick you up?" She suggested, I smiled and shook my head

"Nah, your house is near anyway I could just walk" I said and bump into her shoulders in a joking manner

"Yeah about that.. um.. We aren't going in my house" She explained, I widened my eyes

"NO! I'm not coming! Definitely not!" I said and shook my head 'no' she grabbed my arm

"You already said yes! Pleasee!" She begged me

I don't like it when Im in other people's house, They make me feel uncomfortable and unsafe, but somehow Jisoo was an exemption

"Look, I don't want to ok? you know how I get when I'm in someone's house" I sighed

"I know, I know, but please? give her a chance! pleaseee?" She begged, I sighed in frustration and irritation

"Fine! but you're gonna have to pick me up" I said as I glare at her, she raised her arms in a pose of 'I surrender' and nodded

"Good." She smiled widely and ran of course.. dragging me ugh

6:53 PM

"Lisa! you done?" Jisoo yelled outside from my house

"Yeah! Just a second!" I yelled back and wore my shoes, and opened the door

"nice pajamas bro" She smirked, I was wearing an Spongebob pajama, I smirked back

"Nice hat dude" I replied back seeing her wearing a barbie

"I know right?" She said proudly I shook my head and got out of my house

"Lets go?" I said she nodded and we both went to her car

Me and Jisoo kept chatting during the ride honestly the ride felt like 3 hours drive

"We are here!" She announced and got out of the door of course turning off the engine

I went out as well and stare at Jennie's house, I was amazed at how big it was, I just wish nothing's gonna remind of that day

"Jennie! we're here" Jisoo yelled and immediately the door went open, She smiled widely

"Lisa!" She said and hugged me tightly, I chuckled and hugged her back

"oh! Jisoo! Im so glad your here!" Jisoo said sarcastically and hugged herself

Me and Jennie ignored her making her scoff

"Ok! I'm here ok?!" She yelled and went inside first, me and Jennie laughed and followed her


I knew it.

I saw the vase I bought back then for her, The living room looked exactly like his, The windows are like his, the couch is like him, it smells exactly like him

"Lisa? come in" Jennie said and grabbed my wrist

"I-I.. ok.." I said, I don't want to ruin this night for the 3 of us

"Lisa.." Jisoo said and stared at me in concern, I nodded and smiled

"You sure?" She whispered to me when I sat beside her in the couch I nodded

My heart is beating louder and faster, I felt myself suffocated

"STOP!" I yelled and stood up, Jennie and Jisoo looked at me confuse and shock

"I-I mean.. I forgot to do something! haheh" I laughed awkwardly

"I should go!" I said and took my bag with me, I started to go to the door

"what? why Lisa please stay" Jennie begged me, I sighed

"Im sorry" I twisted the door knob and opened the door, As I was about to go out I felt a hard metal hit my head causing me freeze

Soon after I collapsed The last thing I saw was Jennie's lips in my face

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