"Mata I will tell" Duryodhan said who was entering inside the room "she bit me mata" he said making her touch his hand

"Oh please you were the one who was doubting that if I can bite you or not I just gave a demo" saying so she shrugged

"Mata look at her see" he again tried to complain to her "oh come on Kumar are you still a baby to complain to your mother awe my cry baby" she said pulling his cheeks

Karn and Gandhari were laughing seeing both of them banter "I am not a baby understand" he said freeing himself from her hands

"Oh lulu lu baby bura man gaya" she teased again making him full red with embarrassment and huff

"Putri who are you ? I haven't noticed you in this palace ever" Gandhari asked her

"Maharani we are children of mahamahim's charioteer Chitrasen we came to find our pitashree" karn answered

"What ever it is Putr putri you both have come during time of my prayers to mahadev so stay till the prayer completes and Suyodhan you are also going to accompany me today" she said making them nod but

"Mata I don't want to" Duryodhan refused "we should not say like that Kumar . Mata says that god is above everything he is reason of our birth and we should be grateful enough to him and pay our salutations to him" karn tried to reason seeing Gandhari's face

"Who knows by praying him he might given some teeny tiny brain to your massive body" Sri joked making even Gandhari laugh

"You ! I will deal with you later" he huffed moving towards the Pooja mandir where idol of lord shiva was placed

Gandhari completed her prayers and offered them Prasad karn and Duryodhan completed their part but Sri just took a pinch of it and made it into two halves and placed in Karn's and Duryodhan's hand

"Putri why did do so ?" Gandhari asked sending her act
"Maharani I don't like sweet that much and more over my Bhaiya and your son need more blessings than me from god so that they can attain some brains" she said

It took them a bit to realise that what she has told they started to chase her all over

"U wait what have you just told that I don't have brains" karn said chasing her "yes what do you think you little bunny hopping here and there wait till we catch you" Duryodhan said who was chasing her too

"First you both should catch me and that can never happen" she said sprinting towards the garden as she reached there she stumbled upon a stone and got hurt in her knee

Both of them laughed seeing her lay on the ground but seeing her angry face they stopped soon enough sri started to laugh

But karn saw her leg was bleeding immediately lifted her up "you idiot couldn't you be more cautious . Look how much it is bleeding" he said examining her wound

"Bhaiya it's a small one don't worry and I can walk so can you please put me down" she pleaded him but in return got a stern look from him

She pouted seeing her brother in a bit angry mode "now don't make that face like a baby , you were calling me baby till now look now who has got hurt . Couldn't even walk properly" he said a bit hitting her forehead Making her pout more

They took her near by place and karn immediately tore his angavastra and tied at her wound making her wince a bit .

Many eyes were looking at their bond where as Sri was having a small smile and looking at her brother

"Why are you smiling idiot? You got hurt or during fall have you lost your brain cells" Duryodhan said Earning a smack from her "shut up ! If you won't smile at your failures then others will smile and it's not a big deal to fall and get hurt" she said casually making the listeners a bit shocked

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