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I should just bomb the entire world...

Hello there I am Y/N L/N, a good for nothing and I'm currently standing outside my foster parent's house. I was driven out by them because I was too competent. Here's what happened:

I was always an above-average child whose instinct was really good. I was never motivated, I never gave it my all in life. When I was in Middle school I always had above-average marks, the thing was I knew I could do better if I put in more effort. But, I just didn't care. It was a drag. To me just getting average marks was enough but, because of that thought I was didn't get into a good high school. It was average. Around this time, My foster parents had an incompetent kid, he didn't heed any advice of me and his blood family. He didn't pay attention to his classes, when he reached high school he started smoking. 

He was a scumbag and for his shortcomings he blamed me, he said that if only I wasn't born then he could've done better. Though the thing is, it's probably true. Everyone in my family knew I was better at a lot of things than the average person. When I was interested in computers and how they work. I took a lot of time researching how it's made and how it works. And then I made a computer from scratch. It was expensive so I had to work for my whole middle school so I could afford materials. Since I worked part-time jobs the pay wasn't high at all rather I had to work multiple jobs, So I could afford all the materials. While doing all this I still made time for gaming, reading books, and studying. 

No wonder he lost confidence when he thought he had to compare to me. I came in the top 50 in middle school after all. I was driven out because I almost beat that scumbag to death since he insulted everyone in the family and destroyed half my belongings. My parents saw this and told me to get out.  It couldn't be helped, they had gotten protective of that guy because I was always outshining him. If they took my side he would've most likely gone off in a rampage. 

But I look back at my life and I seriously ponder my parent was so happy when I was adopted. Would it have been the same if my brother was born before? I loved my foster parents they had done so much for me but I left them with a bitter taste in the end. Nothing is tying me down in this world, If I dived from a cliff they would be sad no doubt. but I think they would overcome their grief easily. After all, I was colder to them when my brother was born.

Haah... Maybe if I wasn't born, I think then they would've been happier. 

"Hm?" Somewhere in the heavy rain, I heard people arguing. What's that commotion about? It's annoying. I don't want to be involved. Even though I was thinking that my feet wanted to head over to them. 

Entering my sight seemed to be three high school students having a lovers spat. Two guys and one girl. They were dressed in collared student uniforms and sailor uniforms. It seemed there was some sort of a harem war going on. The taller boy was quarreling with the girl, and the other boy was trying to mediate, but the two quarreling parties weren't listening at all.

(These damn normies, just explode already) 

Suddenly, in that instant, I realized. A truck was charging towards the trio at a tremendous speed. Also, the driver of the truck was lying prone on the wheel. He was driving in a sleep-deprived state. And the three still hadn't noticed.

'Crap, I need to save them!' I thought 'why do I need to save them?'

I was not a heroic person but when I saw those three bickerings I thought that it would be sad if their families also fought with them. If that was the case surely they would want to make up.

The arguing boy hugged the girl when he noticed the truck approaching in front of his eyes. The other boy had his back facing the truck and had not noticed, was merely surprised by his companion's sudden action. I grabbed his collar without any hesitation and used all my strength to pull him back. The boy has pulled away and fell to the roadside, out of the truck's path. Good. Two more to go. Just when I had this thought, the truck was already in front of me. I had just planned to pull them from a safe distance, but as I pulled them back, the recoil caused me to move forward.

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