Chapter 5

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Regina's POV

"This food is to die for mom." Henry says.

"Henry you are not eating another steak. You can get one Togo for later." I say.

"Yes ma'am. Can I be excuse for a few minutes? I have to use the restroom."

"Of course." I say.

"He is so respectful." Emma says.

Ring Ring

"I'm sorry.. I have to take this." Emma says before she picks up the phone. "Hey Mom.. Yes I know I missed my flight.. Yes.. I know.. I'm here now.. Yes.. I love you too.. No mom not yet.. okay bye.. Love you bunches too." Emma hangs up the phone with a smile.

"Your mom seems nice." I say.

"Yeah., I told her about Henry and she said I shouldn't run away from life.."

"I'm glad you didn't run.. Henry is going to be so happy."

"Happy about what?" Henry ask.

"Oh ugh.. Emma wanted to talk to you if that was okay with you?" I ask.


"Emma do you want me to leave?" I ask.

"No.. Please stay." Emma says.

"You too are acting weird." Henry says. "So what's up Emma?" He smiles.

"I ugh.. Your scar on your chest."

"What about it?" He ask.

"I have the same one." I say.

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Can I see it?" He asks.

"Sure." Emma reaches up and unbutton her shirt a little bit and shows him.

"Wow.. I mean it's the same exact one.. And it's.. Wait.. How did you get that?" He asks.

"The same way you got yours."

"I got it when I was a baby.. You knew me as a baby?"

"I did.."

"So you knew my parents?"


"Oh my god.. What are they like?? Where do they live?? Do you think they would consider meeting me?? Do you think they still think about me??"

"They are two people from a small town called Marry Saint Tate.. They live here.. And yes I'm happy to meet you and I think you everyday.." Emma says and Henry stands up from the table.

"Baby I know this is a lot to take in but.."

"You're my birth mom?" Henry ask.

"Christina was your birth mom.."

"Where is she I want to meet her.. Wait you said was.. That's past tense."

"(Crying) I thought this would be easy but it's not.."

"Hey.. I'm happy to meet you.. You have no idea how much this means to me.. Please tell?"

"She ugh.. She died the day you were born Henry.. I'm so sorry." Emma says and Henry sits and cry in silence.. "She loved you.. She wanted nothing but the best for you.. And I did my best everyday to make sure you both had everything you needed.."

"Why did you give me up for adoption?" He asks.

"(Sighs) We came from nothing.. I couldn't take care of you by myself so Christina's Parents told me I had to sign my rights over to them or give you up.. So I gave you up.. They were very powerful people and I would have died before I let them get their hands on you.."

"Can I see her?? I mean do you have a picture?" He asks.

"Yes.. Here." Emma hands him the picture she showed me.

"Wow.. She was beautiful."

"Yes she was."

"I'm sorry Emma." Henry says.

"You have nothing to be sorry for.. I'm sorry that I had to give you up. But your mom raised you so good.. You're a smart straight A student and a healthy respectful young man and that is what I've always wanted you to be.."

"Yeah well my mom and dad said I'm not smart because of them.. Did I get it from you?"

"Hell no.. That was all Christina.. She was the straight A student.. I was the one whispering in her ear to pass me her test when she was done."

"(Laughs) That's funny."

"One day I asked her could I copy her homework and she said I quote ""If you take me out to dinner and pay for it. I'll let you copy my homework and my test."" She was crazy.. And I was crazy about her.. Until she was taking away from me."

"Why didn't you never reach out to me?" Henry ask Emma.

"I said when you turn 21 I would try and make contact with you and see if you would like to meet."

"Heck yeah.. I'm so excited.. I've been waiting on this day for so many years."

"Me too kid."

"Mom.. She is beautiful." Henry say showing me the picture.

"Yes I know.. I seen her."

"You knew?"

"Yes.. Emma told me this morning."

"Thank you for letting her tell me." Henry hugs me.

"You're welcome baby."

"No really.. Thank you Regina.. I really needed this.. For me and for Christina." Emma says.

"You're welcome Em-ma." I smile at her.

"So before we talk about anything else.. Please tell me how I am your biological son if Christina is my mother?" Henry asks.

"You're seventeen not grown." Emma says.

"You sound like my mom." Henry says.

"Yeah well she is right."

"I'm seventeen and I know how babies are made so either you were a man and now a woman or.."

"(Laughs) Whoa there kid.. Slow down.. Let's just say I was born a woman but I have a male reproductive system."

"Wait so you.." Henry leans closer to Emma. "You have a penis?? Like a.. Ugh.."

"Yes.. And I can have children."

"I'm the luckiest kid alive.. Like for real.. My birth parents a cool and my birth mom was lucky to have the best of both worlds with you and then on top of all that was lucky enough to be adopted by Regina Mills.. So yeah.. I'm the luckiest kid alive.. I come from four amazing people.. Two people that made me.. And the other two raised me.."

"Yeah.. That's all I've ever wished for you Henry.."

"Thank you.." Henry says hugging Emma.

"No.. Thank you kid.. Thank you for becoming everything Christina wanted you to be.. And Regina." Emma says reaching for my hand.. "Thank you for raising him right and loving him as if he was your own.. I know I can be a self righteous ass but I mean this from the bottom of my heart.. Thank you."

"You're more than Welcome Emma." I smile at her. "It's getting late we should go." I say.

"Yes.. I have to be at work early." Emma smiles back at me.

"Yes you do." I smile back.

"You too are acting so weird." Henry says. Fuck!!!

"Let's go." Emma says.

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