Chapter 9

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Regina's POV

"HENRY NO!" I yell.

"You missed you ungrateful bastard." Robin laughs.

"That was a warning shot." Henry says. "Get off of my mom."

"What are you doing Henry?" Jacob says.

"Good.. I'm glad you're here.. Look at what he is doing to mom.. DO YOU BELIEVE ME NOW!?" Henry yells at him.

"Dad what are you doing to mom?" He asks.

"What the fuck does it looks like?" Henry says.

"Hey kid.. Give me the gun." Emma says.

———- Police Sirens ——-

"Give it to me kid.. The police is going to come through that door and I don't want you holding that gun when they come in." Emma says.

"Henry please put the gun down." I say.

"Get off of my mom.. I will shoot you." Henry says.. "(Crying) Now.. Get off of her." He says.

"You don't have the balls to shoot me (Laughs) You're weak just like your mother." Robin laughs..

—— Gun Shots ——

"Fuck!" Robin yells.

———- Door Opens ——-

"Police!!" A officer yell.

"Give it to me." Emma grabs the gun from Henry.

"Everybody let me see you hands." Six officers enter my bedroom.

"Put the gun down ma'am." The lady yells at Emma and she lays the gun down on the ground. "Hands behind your back."

"She didn't do anything." Henry yells.

"Stop talking kid." Emma says.

"I did it." Henry says.

"He's lying.. I did it." Emma says.

"Let's go." The officer says. I run over to Henry and Jacob.

"Emma don't talk to anyone.. I'm on my way." I say.

"Take care of the boys.. Make sure they're okay." Emma says and they walk her out the door..

"Mom I'm sorry.. I didn't.. I didn't know he was beating you." Jacob says.

"Honey I'm fine."

"Mrs. Mills.. I need your statement."

"I don't have one." I say.


"My children are traumatized.. I'll give you your statement tomorrow.. If you would like to help me.. Get this garbage out of my house." I say pointing to Robin.

"You'll pay for this bitch." Robin says.

"Yeah.. Keep talking.. Keep adding on.. Gives me more to tell my lawyer." I say to him before they take him out of the house.

"Let's go boys.. I have to go get Emma out." They follow me outside and get in my truck.

"Mom I don't want her to go to jail because of me." Henry says.

"Was that her?" Jacob ask Henry.

"Yes." Henry say.. "She took the gun to protect me."

"Don't worry.. Mom will get her out." Jacob says.. "Mom I'm sorry.. I should have protected you too.. I just.."

"It's okay baby.. He's your father.. All you've ever seen was the good in him.."

"He's not my father anymore.. He put his hands on you.. I don't respect men who hits women.. He broke our code." Jacob says.

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