Wild Escape (for a certain bard, outlander, and a pixie)

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"Ah, Master Diluc. Have you seen two thieves around?" One of the guards, Otto, asked as he and another guard entered the Tavern. 

Two thieves? Rimuru raised an eyebrow and gave Aether & Paimon a hard stare. They flinched. 

"What happened? Why have you mobilized so many guards?" Diluc questioned, pretending to be clueless. 

"Haven't you heard, Master Diluc? Two thieves were trying to steal the Holy Lyre!" Miles, a guard, exclaimed. 

"Oh?" Diluc raised an eyebrow and quickly glanced at where Rimuru and the others are before immediately looking back to the guards before they could notice. "How odd."

Miles nodded. "Isn't it? The Holy Lyre is a treasure that was played by the God of Anemo themselves. Such a precious piece of cultural heritage–"  

"Why would one want to steal something they can't sell off? Would pay better to steal from my cellars." Diluc interrupted them. 

Rimuru silently snickered at the pyro user's remark. "Ooh, he's saying that you're Holy Lyre is trash." 

Venti gained a tick-mark, also hearing the remark thanks to his heightened hearing. "Shut. Up." 

"Huh?" Otto was confused. 

"Sorry, off topic. Believe they headed that way." Diluc said, pointing at the wrong direction. 

Thankfully, the guards believed him. "Understood. Thank you, Master Diluc!" Miles said before they left. 

"Now, care to explain yourselves?" Rimuru crossed his arms, giving Aether, Venti, and Paimon a very intimidating glare. 

"Well, you we're taking WAY too long

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"Well, you we're taking WAY too long..." Paimon began.

"And we're getting worried and followed you..." Aether continued. 

"But we got seen by some guards..." Venti joined in. 

"And now they think you're the one who stole the Lyre." Rimuru finished. "Is that right?" 

The three nodded, looking down as if they were getting scolded by their parents. 

Rimuru sighed. "Have faith in me, didn't I say that? Well, at least you didn't blew up my cover," They beamed in happiness. "BUT!" They shrank back. "You put yourselves in danger instead." He sighed again. "What am I gonna do with you??" 

"We're sorry." The three of them said, although Venti looked reluctant to say it. 

I should cut them some slack. They're not children anymore. Rimuru thought before giving them a smile. "Fine, but don't ever do that again." Rimuru stood up as the three brightened up. "We should head down and talk to Sir Diluc." 

Venti nodded in agreement as they walked down. 

Venti immediately went to get his wine, much to Rimuru's annoyance. And he's back to his old self. "Today I think I'll have a glass of-" 

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