Chapter 4: Reality

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It's been four weeks since Korra's surgery. She was finally able to take showers without a bag over her knee. In physical therapy she finally put a little pressure on her right leg, it was the first time in over two months.

Today was a big day for another reason, Korra would be going back to school for the first time since her injury. She was a little nervous, she was more excited than anything.

The night prior Korra had picked out her clothes for her first day back, a white t-shirt, blue hoodie, black skinny jeans, and her white converse. She wanted to be comfortable.

The shower was calming and relaxing, not only for her body but her mind as well. The hardest part was getting out of the shower due to the fact that her crutches didn't have the best traction on the white tile floor. Korra dried off, got dressed then put her hair in a ponytail and two wolf tails in the front.

Korra had cut herself off from the rest of the world while she was injured. Mako and Bolin would text and even try to call her but Korra never could pick up. Kuvira would text her for the first couple weeks but since then nothing. Korra couldn't blame them, she shut herself off from everyone.

She sat on her bed and put on her knee brace, she still couldn't bend it without the help from her physical therapist. It was frustrating to say the least.

She found her blue backpack sitting next to her desk, the contents inside were never used during her recovery. Korra made sure she still had all her books. The hardest part about getting dressed was trying to put her right shoe and sock on, she still needed help from her parents when it came to that.

"Mom, can you help me with my shoe?" Korra called out.

"I'll be right there." Senna called back.

Korra waited patiently for her mother to come help her. It always demoralized her when she had to ask for help for something as simple as putting on a shoe.

"How was your sleep?" Senna asked as she walked in and grabbed the sock and shoe.

"It wasn't that bad actually. I was able to sleep most of the night." Korra answered.

Senna carefully slid Korra's sock on, then her shoe, which was definitely harder. "Ready to go?" She asked.

Korra double checked her book bag and nodded her head. She grabbed her crutches and got to the car slowly but surely, Korra slid into the passenger seat. She was getting nervous about how people at school would treat her. Think happy thoughts. They will be happy to see you. She told herself.

During the drive to school Korra's nervousness gradually got worse. She couldn't stop thinking, this was another moment she wanted to turn her thoughts off.

The car pulled up to the drop off zone, "Have a good day, sweetie. If you need anything, call me." Senna said as Korra got out.

"I will. Thanks mom." Korra smiled and closed the car door. The blue-eyed girl looked up at the school sign and made her way to the front entrance slowly.

Korra got to the office where Pema, the school counselor and Mr.Tenzin's wife, was sitting at the front desk. She looked up from her papers, "Korra! How have you been?" She rushed around the desk and embraced the teenager.

"I'm getting better." Korra returned the hug.

"It's so nice to see you again. We all missed you." Pema continued. "So do you need any help with getting to your classes?"

"No, I think I got it. Thank you though." Korra grinned.

"Ok, the teachers should let you leave class a few minutes early so you can miss the crowded hallways."

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