The Cupboard

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The bright light of someone's wand startled me awake. I tried to ignore it but once I felt it burning my eyes I jolted my whole body up and made eye contact with Malfoy.

"You're actually alive. Pansy said you were on the floor but jeez you'd think you cracked your neck in that position." I blinked then finally processed. I was upside down, my legs still hanging onto my bed while the rest of me was on the floor.

"Huh, wonder how that happened." I pulled my legs down and slowly stood up, my back cracking as I did. Malfoy just stared at me slightly frightened, "What are you staring at?"

"Are you even human? You sound like you just snapped your spine!"

I smiled widely, leaning down to be face to face with him, "I am and if you don't leave right now I will snap your spine." He scoffed in an attempt to be brave before speed walking out of the room. I couldn't hold in my laugh, covering my mouth as I did the most ugly chuckle ever. He's a bloody idiot.

I kept a smile on as I got dressed and went to leave the room but froze as I passed a mirror. I quickly retraced my steps and my eyes widened, butterflies fluttering in the pit of my stomach. He left marks, Professor Snape marked my neck. That little inconsiderate greasy bastard! I should be utterly disgusted by this but it sends pleasure and the need for more through out my body.

I sat down at the Slytherin table and the staring began. My stomach twisted knowing they were whispering slut, this year hasn't changed from the last. However I'm not ashamed, they can call me what they want, I'm at least happy.

"So slut which professor is it this time? Let me guess you lured Lupin into your little trap since he's new." I looked at Pansy completely confused then figured out a nice plan.

"Ohhhhh you're talking about the marks on my neck. I fell out of bed, you saw how distorted my body was, so did Draco." She rolled her eyes and started to flirt with Draco. I smirked, I finally beat her. Kind of sad if you think about it, she is a third year student. I picked up a piece of toast and made my way to the hall and met up with my two boys who were shockingly there early.

"Bloody hell Y/n, who decided to mark you?" Cedric smiled slightly but frowned when he saw the look on Oliver's face. He was just staring at me straight faced.

"You alright Ollie? It's not permanent and I doubt it'll happen agai-"

"You wonder why you get called was Professor Lupin wasn't it? I try so hard to protect you from stupid mistakes and then here you are jumping in head first."

"Fucking calm down, if you're gonna react like that then neither of you deserve to know who did it. Also you don't have to protect me," I got really close to him and pointed a finger at his chest after each pause, "I never asked you to. You're not my bodyguard. Oh and most importantly, you're not my boyfriend!" I slowly backed away from him and looked him in the eyes. I would've never reacted this way last year, I've become so heartless... My heart sunk for a moment, he was forming tears and frowned which turned to anger within milliseconds.

His accent became so strong I could hardly understand him, "Are you targeting that! You purposefully said that so I'd back off huh?!" He started to get close to me and point at my chest as I did to him, "Your attitude really has gone down hill, at this point no one will love you. I wish you could just tell me you see me as just a friend, tell me you love whoever gave you that mark, it hurts me to keep hoping. God damn it you are so rude but...I won't stay mad because I love you so much!" I stood there stuttering gibberish but stopped and became petrified when I saw Lupin and Snape standing behind Oliver.

"Ollie...can we do this another time." I turned around slowly to walk away but he gripped my wrist.

"No, I need an answer, love!" I kept my head turned towards the direction I wanted to leave and wanted to look when I felt another hand on my wrist.

"Mr. Wood let go of the young lady." Remus was staying so calm and being patient but Oliver's grip didn't budge, it got firmer.

"I will not hesitate to take house points and get you removed from the quidditch team, Mr. Wood." Immediately his grip was gone and I began to walk away as fast as possible. I heard Cedric call out my name but I need to get away from those two. I leapt down the dungeons stairs and turned swiftly into the Potions classroom. My brain has completely stopped, my legs were moving on there own. Before I knew it I was well hidden behind bottles of potions in Snape's cupboard.


Hours passed and I could hear each class go by till it was mine. Severus was showing no mercy on them today. He picked at every little mistake that was being made and took many points away from Gryffindor. It didn't take long for me to hear Oliver retaliate.

"Cut us some slack! We're trying as hard as the Slytherins yet you haven't taken their points."

"Questioning my authority? 10 more points from Gryffindor and detention tonight."

"It's our first quidditch practice sir."

"Well I think they'll do fine without their captain today." The class went silent right as the bell rang. I waited for it to get silent before letting out a hick up that came with tears. The cupboard door slowly opened and I covered my mouth as footsteps tauntingly came closer to me. How long has he known I've been in here, why hasn't he taken me out sooner? "Ms. Celeste, you have better places to cry than here." I stood up and quickly attempted to run past him but he used his arm to keep me from leaving.

"Professor, I have places to be!" He hesitantly let me go and at once I ran out the cupboard however I stopped, not wanting to leave.

Snape flicked his wand and whispered "Muffliato..." I turned, looking at him deeply confused. "I should tell you your detention tonight is with Lupin since I have to deal with Wood." I smiled at the thought of being alone with Professor Lupin but my heart sank. I was looking forward to seeing Snape again tonight. I looked up at Snape and he was smirking, looking me in the eyes. He slowly walked towards me, backing me up against a desk. His hand carefully lifted my chin and his thumb slowly caressed my bottom lip. "Something tells me you'll miss having our night alone." His hand then traced my jawline and I don't know how much longer I can last without kissing him. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and leaned in for a kiss but he placed his hand between our faces. "Eager aren't we? Tell me what you thirst for or I could just send you off."

My hands slid off him and I looked at the floor, "I want to kiss you and for you to leave more marks..."

His hand gently lifted my face and he got really close, "What was that darling?"

"Will you please just kiss me already sir." The hesitation was gone and his soft lips slammed into mine and I felt my whole body melt. He lifted one of my legs and wrapped it around his waist while also slowly bringing a hand up my shirt. Butterflies fluttered through my whole body just wanting more. His lips detached from mine as he began to kiss my jaw line and down my neck. I let out the quietest moan as he found that perfect spot and his hand gripped my thigh tightly. I want more, I just want him to do as he pleases. I then felt him slightly nibble on my neck sucking even harder causing me to moan louder.

"If you have thoughts like that I won't hold back my pet." I melted even farther at those words but he suddenly stopped everything.

"Severus, you ok?" He slowly backed up and looked at me, he looks so lost.

"I stopped because we have to go to dinner but...what made you think it's alright to call me Severus."

"I- I don't know sir..." Honestly I don't, how did I even go from hating him to loving him this I doing this in spite of Oliver?

He went back to his normal cold self and looked away slightly disgusted at me, "Well then you are excused."

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now