Quackity X Male Reader. Fake Boyfriend

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Requested by: no one.

Summary: You go to target, but you see your toxic ex-partner and you ask Quackity to help you by acting as your 'boyfriend'.

Tw// stalking, harassment.

Genre: fluff? Not sure.

Gender: Male! (this is for all my handsome male followers who feel left out!)

ex-partner-name (E/P/N)
Male name/your name (M/N)
I'll be using Quackitys real name for this (Alex)

You were in target getting some scented candles and some household supplies like soap, shampoo, conditioner etcetera etcetera. You were about it go look at some things to treat yourself for the the hard work you were doing all week at your job.

You caught a glimpse of the target door opening. You looked to it, and to your surprise, it was your ex partner (e/p/n) with their friends and their new girlfriend. You froze in place for a few seconds. You looked around frantically for somewhere to hide. You saw a man wearing a LAFD beanie. You walked over to him, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned around to look up/down/at you.

"hello?" he said confused.
"hello, I'm (M/N). Uhm. I was wondering if you could act as my boyfriend for a bit, because my ex just walked into the store. I don't want them seeing me, because I'm afraid of what they might do or say." you said, shaking a bit.
"uh yeah, sure I can do that-" he was cut off my your ex.

"M/N! Holy cow, it's been so long since I've seen you!" your ex said, pretending to be excited. But you knew their intentions.
"Uh. Y-yeah, good to see you too-"
"have you met my girlfriend? Ain't she a beauty?" they said, their firwnds chuckling in the background.

The man you had approached stepped in to help you. "Ecxuse me, I was wondering if you leave my boyfriend the fuck alone? Thanks." he growled.
"Who the hell are you?" they said.
"The names Alex. And you have no business being near my boyfriend or even talking to him. Thank you." he snarled as he lead you and himself away from your ex partner, their friends and their new girlfriend.

"Thank you so much. You didn't have to stand up for me though." you nervously laughed.
"It's no problem, they're assholes." he looked back to see if they were following. And they were.
"Follow my lead." he whispered. You nodded just enough where only people in close vasinity could see.

He lead you to the clothing section, being sure to keep you close incase your ex did something. He poke just loud enough so that they could hear you two. "Wow babe! I think this hoodie would look amazing on you, don't you think?"
"Mhm! I think it would."

A while later you ex and their friends gave up on following you. Alex said heed stay with you until you were done shopping and getting all your goods. You thanked him for his kind gesture.

About ten minutes later, you had finished your shopping. Alex wakes you to your car and helped you put your stuff into the trunk of your car.

"Thank you again. You really helped me a lot." you smiled.
"Anytime, handsome" he winked at you. You blushed a bit, it was a bit obvious, but you didn't think he'd see it.
"So uhm... Do you want my number? Maybe grab a date sometime?" you asked. Not it was his turn to blush. His blush was more noticeable, you wondered if he though the exact same thing that you though about a few seconds before.

"Y-yeah! That would be c-cool" he swallowed hard. He handed his phone to you and you typed your number into his phone.
"We'll chat later?" you asked.
"Yeah! We'll chat later." he smiled.

You both bid each other a safe trip home. You arrived home and got a notification from your phone. It was Alex. You smiled and though to yourself,

'This is going to be the start of something amazing'

Hey bitches, hoes, Non-binary bros and everyone else in between. This story is shitty. I know. I'm ligit writing this at 3:30 am. Surprise surprise, I'm not American, so my time zone is a bit different. Anyway! I hope you enjoued the story. Don't forget to request some more chapters! :p

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night

-Toby 𓃠

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