Chapter 2. Explanation.

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It's was 1 week ago today.

The day of unity.

We were so confident....we planned our attack for weeks before hand.

It started off perfectly...

- alright! Alright! It's go time! Ooh I'm so pumped! Let's kick some ass!

E- " Shh! Are you trying to get us caught?

-Oh right! Sorry hehe..

E- " alright here's the plan.. "

[ amity's gonna create a distraction at the entrance with her abominations. While the coast is clear Lilith will be getting Raines crew out of the cell they are being kept in. Once they are out we take out the guards in front of the door that leads to the stage. That's where the emperor and golden guard should be. Me , Lilith , boots and the others will take them out and- ]

- hey wait!

E-" what? "

- thought we agreed we weren't gonna attack the golden guard.

E- " yeah whatever - anyways back to the plan! "

[ while they are distracted luz and willow can find the portal that belos is making anddd defend herself with her awesome new staff. [ -ya! ] I make my awesome statement why wild magic is badass , we get out of there with the portal and BOOM! The day is saved. ]

[ but if the plan goes rouge I'll send off some red smoke telling you get the hell out of there , and under no circumstances turn back. Capeesh? ]

A- " I have a question! "

E -" hm? "

A- " how do you plan we take out the emperor AKA the strongest witch on the boiling isles! "

E- " your talking to the head of the bad girl coven! We got this. "

A- " that didn't answer my- "


And thus we began executing our plan , but as we all went to our posts..amity stopped me.

A- " luz I know this is a bad idea and there's no talking you out of it but If things go wrong please come find me. "

-amity this may be the only chance we get. Please just trust me , I don't need you protecting me.

I turned and walked over to willow. I feel bad about it but..everything was on the line here. I couldn't take any risks.

Once I saw her signal I used an ice pillar to get me and willow through one of the windows. And not to toot my own horn but We took out 5 guards with ease. Maybe 20 minutes later I saw edas signal as well. It was go time. As I ran through the hall I saw the lights from the explosions through the window , man it looked so cool! But there was a ton of smoke so I couldn't really see anything..

W-" stay focused luz! We need to find where belos is hiding the portal! "

-right right!

It felt like ages before we found the portal room. But once we did of course willow was prepared and boarded up the door since we may have been being chased so we didn't have a lot of time- and I won't this door was REALLY heavy. And I know this moment was super intense but I may have took a book or two and slid it into my bag- BUT WHATEVER.

-willow! Mind giving me a hand over here!

W- " why did I agree to this. Why did I agree to this. "

Willow looks like she fights bears in the mountain this bitch is strong as hell! I didn't do much to help her get the portal out of the window so I was kinda offering emotion support. Once willow got herself and the portal out while I was planing to get out I saw..

Red smoke.

-wills! Eda is sending a distress signal , I'm gonna go see what the problem is! Get the portal back to the owl shack and don't turn back!

W-" luz Your gonna get yourself killed!

- please just trust me!


W- " please be careful. "

Willow is such a good friend.

finally I got to the stage..

And I could feel my heart drop. And to this day I don't even know how we survived.

There were pools of blood , It was like a scene straight out of a horror movie. Seemed like amity and Lilith had already left. I saw a staff that was snapped in half on the ground but the smoke covered it's palisman..but from what I could see eda still had hers. Not to mention belos didn't even have his mask on anymore , the shards were all across the ground.

We made eye contact.

My stomach sank but I kept my composure and gripped my staff as I watched him fade into the smoke. Most likely retreating... I tried making sense of my surroundings and where everybody was..

There were 3 witches to my right helping others escape. Eda had her back turned to me looking around..and hunter..
You know how I said there was a ton of blood?

It was his.


And When I said I didn't know how we survived.

What I should've said was..

I don't know how HE survived.

-EDA! It's not worth fighting for anymore! Let's get out of here we've got the portal!

E- " hear you loud and clear kid!

I felt guilt overthrow my mind and as we got the end of the stage I turned around and tugged on edas sleeve.

-eda we can't just leave him!

I knew she didn't think it was a good idea. I could see it in her eyes , but she always has good intentions.

E-" I'll grab them! Go ahead and don't turn around!

So I did exactly that. I ran faster then I ever did in my entire life , and never turned back.

And I tried acting tough but it was so scary..

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