years 1797-1801 (Paul i)

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When the girls returned home to their mansion emperor Paul I saw them leaving and was wondering why would a beautiful empress like Marilena and her friends have to leave despite he was married two times he was deeply infatuated by her good nature and kindness and he soon called his minister and said:Please sir stop the empress Marilena and her friends from leaving to their mansion in Greece she can't go I'm in love with her. The minister told him saying:Sire it's her decision to leave but you can send her a letter inviting her to your coronation. Of course Emperor Paul I agreed into this idea and when the year was 1798 he immediately send a letter to Empress Marilena who read: Dear sweet Empress Marilena During my mother's reign i watched and admired you from afar whenever you returned from wars i rejoiced but whenever you came home injured almost at death's door i was worried about you i would be happy if you'll join my coronation if it's not a problem for you and your friends hope to hear soon from you all my love emperor Paul I. The 23 years old Empress Marilena blushed at the attention she received from the son of Empress Catherine ii and soon she told her friends: Let's go we promised to come to his coronation and besides we have more years till Nicholas's ii reign. Lenia and Athena noded and they climbed in the carriage which drove to the imperial palace and Empress Marilena saw with happiness emperor Paul I being coronated upon seeing her he smiled and she said: Congratulations on your coronation my lord. He was aided by her in many conflicts between England and Georgia but in 1801 the year the empress and her friends returned to the mansion a note came that emperor Paul I was assassinated by odd men. This horrified the now twenty seven years old Empress Marilena and her friends Lenia queen of Portugal and Athena Empress of Korea and they immediately transported to a safe place near Ithaca in a mansion. Paul's son and succesor 25 year old Alexander was gonna be emperor of Russia.

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