Taste the Poison from His Lips!

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"I won't participate, thanks.." Prithwi said..

"Sir please.. This is very funny - hope you'll enjoy it.."

Prithwi took the card despite his reluctance.

Here's given an indication of where the next card is.

Prithwi saw what's written on the card..

Here it's written that -

"Hidden treasure is waiting for you ..

If you want to find the mysterious maze..
Then go straight under the blue sky ..

Who are sitting on the steps of the stairs ..?"

Prithwi is having a storm of thoughts in his brain ..
Where is Tian?
What does it mean under the blue sky? and what's about the stairs?

Does it mean the roof ?
There is the open sky above and stairs on the roof.

Prithwi came on the roof.
Suddenly a shadow moved behind his back.

Prithwi didn't notice that someone was watching him ..
What are that two eyes looking for all the time?

There's a small piece of white card on the ground ..

He picked up the card. But before opening the card, he frowned.

Someone opened it before Prithwi opened it ..

The sticker on the card has been removed.

But who can be it? Prithwi didn't see anyone ...!

Prithwi came down to the second floor ..

Young people are looking around for something ..
There is a lot of noise, they are pulling each other ..
Many of them are throwing something at others ..

Prithwi is happy to see the guests rejoicing ..
But he didn't find Tian among them..!

The card he got from the roof - here it's said he's to find the ghost ..

Prithwi is looking for the ghost with an annoyed face ..

A red spooky light is on in a room.
The room is decorated like a horror house ..

Skeletons and it's hands are hanging from the top of the head ..

On either side a few men stood in horrible masks.

Prithwi came to the very end of the horror house and didn't see anyone else ..

There's only a clip in the mirror - where is written "Prithwi" below the card..

He opened the card and read it ..

" You have committed a great sin ..
   You are in great danger ..
   If you want to get out of the dark
   Then find out your partner...

  Only a kiss can give you the way

Prithwi read it twice but he couldn't get the chance to think anything!

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