Chapter VIII-A Treacherous Guardian and a Call to Arms

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     Greetings General Thesulac...
                                               name is Alastair lord of Faryal, I know we have never been formally introduced but this is a dark time for my kingdom, so please excuse me taking up your time as I know how busy you can be and know that from the bottom of my heart I appreciate you talking the time to hear my words.
     These are dark times indeed General, my people are disappearing one by one and few who leave the city walls never come back, I have sent many more letters like this out so my people can feel reassured that it will reach its intended destination, I prey to Zeus that you are reading it right now and that you will hear my plight.
     I am out of options, my people need a hero and I fear it is not me, I am an old man with no heir to my throne and there is little I can do for my people, it came from the forest to the east of me and it fears the light, I fear this unknown threat will be the end of my kingdom, please Scarr Thesulac help us, you are our only hope.
     The ones that have left the city walls and have been lucky enough to survive, were petrified and they described them as a shadow like person, they called it Kannarku meaning death in our old language, their eyes are like a burning inferno and they said it felt like they were piercing deep into their soul, I know the Guardians specialise in all things supernatural and out of this world.
     Well my friend, this is out of this world, we need your help to combat this threat, I know that you understand that this threat does not just affect us but everything we hold dear, if you do not get to us in time than I beg you to warn everyone else of this coming storm, I wish I knew more information about this common threat, but alas I do not, know that I will be looking out for your arrival upon the horizon.
      Move swiftly General Thesulac, may Zeus upon Olympus smile upon you friend....
        ....Lord Alastair of Faryal

     The Guardians all looked pale and nauseous, something wasn't right and they could feel something vast approaching that will change everything, Scarr folded up the letter and returned it to his robes. "This can not be a coincidence," cried Scarr as he began to explain that the villain he speaks about describes what he saw in his vision and that something's amiss, they're missing an important piece of the puzzle, "Rickalas's disappearance, my vision and now this letter, they are connected somehow, but how and why now," he continued by saying there's so many questions.
     He feared that they'll find the answers in Faryal and he began to say Johnkal, Lucyia, Trogen, Ja'nel, Rosarlea and Niklaus's names out loud and he told them he feels as though he should say something to them' so he did, "even though before the last four years was a lie, I know that the last four years were not and I do not feel any differently towards you all then I did yesterday," he told them all they still stand his brothers and sisters and although they never took the training to become Guardians' they will always stand so in his eyes.
It really did warm all their hearts to hear him say that and as he said it they all couldn't help but smile at him, which he did back in return, "I must now put a choice before you all, today we become what it means to be a Guardian and if any of you are not ready for this I will not think any less if you walk away now," he continued to explain that he fears a dangerous road's ahead of them' one that they may not survive and he would not command them to their deaths, "you must make that choice for yourself," Scarr smiled hoping they make the right choice.
He told them that he will be going to Faryal to learn the mysteries that are unraveling before them and to lay down his life if need be in defence of all the realms, "I will feel much safer and much stronger knowing you are all by my side, because together we can achieve the impossible, now who is with me," cried Scarr, as he finished speaking all the Guardians gave out a thunderous applause as if saying that they're all with him, they got down on one knee slammed their right fist too their heart and screamed 'we are with you general,' Scarr smiled and his whole heart filled with hope as his allies rallied to his call to arms and he knew that they would have the strength to prevail. "Good, very good," a stranger said.

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