Andrew POV

-Back to the time it was at the beginning of the chapter-

Just like any other day, we, as in myself, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, Nico, Percie, and Thalia were walking down the halls of the Hogwarts castle. Off topic, but I still can't get over the architecture. We were walking down the halls, chatting while heading to history class, when all of a sudden, Leo says "Hey, where's Perce and Thals?"

"What?" Nico said, distress levels going from 0 to 100 real fast.

"Do you think they're skipping? We do have history first, and we know how much they hate history." Will suggested.

"No," I shook my head. "They do hate history, but I don't think they would skip, considering neither pay attention and usually fall asleep regardless."

"If they're not back by lunch we'll check the dorms and if they're not there we can alert Professor Snape." Hazel said, finishing off the thought.

Leo bounded past us. "Cool, lets go, I want to go slee- I mean go to history class, and you guys don't want to be late. We'll just tell the professors that they're not feeling good or something!"

Thalia POV

"PERCIE!" I yelled.

"Sorry! But we both know we were not supposed to be there! If they caught us-"

"If they caught us we would be off the hook!"

"No, its not about getting in trouble Thalia, of course we'd be off the hook, its about the tournament. They might have been talking about a task, and if they knew we were there, even if we did get picked, that wouldn't be a part anymore and our only clue would be gone!"

Dam, that's actually smart.

"I know." She smirked, reading my mind.

"We're obviously skipping history, it's boring, but afterwards we have charms, so what do you want to do for the next hour or so?" I asked her, sitting down on a couch.

She sat down on the other side of it, her smirk never swaying as she pulled out a few drachmas from her pocket. "Wanna IM Artemis?"

I nodded as she contorted some water to mist in front of us. "O Fleecy, do me a solid, show me the goddess Artemis wherever she is." She threw a few drachmas into the rainbow, cause, goddess, and after a few seconds Artemis appeared in the mist.

"Thalia, my lieutenant, what can I do for you? Hello Percie." Artemis smiled.

"Well, it's more what you can do for Percie. Or, rather, what she can do for you."

She looked intrigued. "What is it? Are you going to tell Apollo that I'm the older and more mature twin? Because I saw him today and he still won't let that go."

"I mean, sure." Percie laughed, "But that's not why we IMed you."


"I've decided to take you up on your offer to join the hunters. As long as I can still have friends who are guys. And I'll obviously have to finish this quest first"

"Amazing!" Artemis beamed. "Yes, you'll have to finish the quest first, and you can have friends who are boys, as long as you don't bring them onto our camp and you don't have any sort of romantic relationship with them. Do you know the oath?"

Then all that stuff happened, she joined, Artemis decided to send us two rings with a moon with an arrow through it, both being able to turn into any weapon we want, and then we talked about all sorts of stuff for about half an hour until we had to go for charms.

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