
54 3 5

This OC belongs to Book_Lover620

 NAME┃ Owlflight

5/5, this is pretty good! Owl- is certainly not one you see often, although -flight (like -feather and -wing) is pretty common in bird names.

It fits together well, isn't cliché, and uses a viable prefix and suffix, so you're all good!



RANK┃ Warrior

All right.

AGE┃ 23 moons old

Fairly young, about 24 in human terms.

CLAN┃ ShadowClan

Nice! I love seeing ShadowClan OCs.

APPEARANCE┃ A large, long-furred brown and white tabby tom with big paws and a long tail. He also has sharp yellow eyes, and a torn ear.

14.5/15 Everything works here! Make sure you placed the white correctly, though, it would have to be on his underbelly and/or muzzle.

Anyways, I love brown tabbies. I think he's a bicolour cat from your description, which is really nice!

PERSONALITY┃ Owlflight is a hardworking, dedicated warrior who tries his best to impress his clanmates. He is devoted to his clan, and he highly disapproves of cats who break the warrior code. He is also untrustworthy toward cats who are outside of the clans, and he is serious about most things. Despite this, he is a friendly and honest cat and he does his best to be fair and have some fun once in a while. He has a soft spot toward elders, however he can sometimes be overprotective. He has a bad habit of doubting himself and thinking overly negatively about things, and not realizing there are things he should be grateful for.

24/25 I love the addition of his soft spot towards elders, he seems like a good cat.

By the way, just curious, what do you mean untrustworthy towards outsiders? Do you mean that they can't trust him, or that he doesn't trust them? (That's not a big thing, just curious!)

He sounds like he's generally a good cat, but he can be rather judgmental if you do something he disapproves of, or that's what I got from here. (Sorry if I read this completely wrong!)

BACKSTORY┃ He was born as Owlkit to Hazelfern and Cloudstorm, alongside his littermates who were called Pinekit and Cloverkit. He was made an apprentice and was given the deputy as his mentor. He was particularly skilled at battle training, and he was able to help fight off a fox and save one of his leader's lives. Afterwards, he was made a warrior because of his loyalty and bravery, alongside his brother who became Pineshade, and his sister who became Cloverleaf.

This sounds pretty good, I love the names. Make sure he isn't made a warrior too young, though, I believe you have to be at least twelve moons.


Mother- Hazelfern [slender brown tabby she-cat with green eyes]

Father- Cloudstorm [fluffy, large white tom with yellow eyes]

Brother- Pineshade [brown tabby tom with amber eyes]

Sister- Cloverleaf [white she-cat with green eyes]

All right, so here's a bit of more advanced genetics (where, honestly, no one will look unless they're rating your character lol). 

Bicolour cats actually come from the white spotting gene in parents. In this, Hazelfern is a brown tabby with no white, whereas Cloudstorm displays dominant white. Dominant white is actually completely different then white spotting. (Also, all of the kittens would be dom. white unless Cloudstorm carries solid from a parent).

In reality, the kittens would have coats that matched either their mother's or their father's, so Pineshade and Cloverleaf would be accurate! 

Also, apologies if that made no sense at all, I'm horrible at explaining things.

LIKES┃ Patrolling, Gatherings, and Nighttime.

DISLIKES┃ Swimming, Snow, and being bossed around.

These all make sense! I love the additions of snow and nighttime, they're just little things that make a character great.

Overall, Owlfight is a pretty good character! He's got a great personality, and his story is simple but interesting. I do apologize for the lack of good points in this review, I think this is one of my least favourites of those I've put out. I do hope that you can find something in it that is useful, though!

Thank you so much for your submission!

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