Camp buddies-Joey

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Ok so in this story you knew who the boys were your just weren't that, that close. When you found out that they were going (summer camp) to you begged to be in a room with them and so now here you are in a room with book, mouth and Joey oh Joey you were head over heels for him now before I write the whole story up here were gonna start.
Joeys POV
The boys, y/n and I are currently getting ready for kayaking which we'll be our first task we have done so far, I'm hoping to be with y/n cause 1 I like her and 2 we actually went kayaking together before and it was so much fun I remember it like yesterday so what happened is we were trying to stand and that ended in us both falling in, ohhhhh that was a good day. "Campers well you make your way down to the lake plz thank you" the counsellor said through the microphones, "let's go guys" book said excitedly "hold your horses were mouth?" Y/n said noticing it was just the three of us "hey guys" mouth said walking into the room "where were you" I said annoyance lacing my voice "chill I was takin a whizz dang" mouth said putting his hands up "but-you-never I'd let's go" y/n said hurriedly "come on!" Book said running out the door followed by mouth y/n and me. "Ok hop in" the counsellor said to mouth and book, yes! That means me and my lady we'll be setting off. "Here take my hand y/n" I said pulling her into the kayak in front of me "I'm so excited doll" y/n said turning to face me "yea let's roll or should I say stroll" I said smirking "my god ok, ok I hear ya let's go" we then started drifting getting closer to mouth and book every second "hey guys wait up" I yelled trying to get there attention "oh hi" book said slowing down him and mouths kayak "you know we should try and stand i mean we would look to Cool" mouth said smirking.

After what mouth said me and Joey got brought into a fit of laughter "what? What's so funny" mouth questioned "oh nothing in fact we should try that don't you think y/n"? Joey said in between Laughs "ha yea what do you say bookie" I asked laughing "um sure I guess" book said kinda uneasy about it. Joey leaned over and said something that ik would make the whole trip better "how about the second there standing we push them in?" Joey asked with a mischievous grin on his face "yea let's do it" I whispered back, so with that we both started to Stand up, book had a little trouble but he did it soon enough "wow now what?" Book asked smiling "haha let's see-I cut myself off by pushing book over which caused mouth to fall to "ugh you idiots!" Mouth said even tho me and Joey could see the smile on his face, book just floated there angrily until mouth whispered something in his ear "hey love birds you enjoying the ride?" Book questioned causing me and Joey to get flustered and before we knew it we were tipped over " hey you can't do that" I said laughing suddenly someone pulled me under Joey and is kayak "hey oh hi Joey" I smiled still kinda blushing cause of what happened "hey isn't this cool we can still breath under here look" he said smiling "ha it is quite cool Joey" he smiled and then looked down only to look up at my eyes again "y/n can I show you something" he said blushing "um sur- I was cut off my lips luscious lips but not any random pair Joeys omg Joey is kissing me! Ofc I kissed back I mean I've liked him forever I just really thought he was never gonna feel the same, soon we pulled apart putting our heads together breathing heavily "wow I- "I really, really, really! Like you y/n and well if you at least like me back I was wondering if we could go on a date sometime or yk you could also be mine?" He questioned smiling shyly at me "uh-gosh Joey I would love to be your and to go on a date um yes!!" I screamed crashing my lips back on his.

Joeys POV
She said yes to being my gf, being mine this is not happening right now the girl I love love me! I could just scream right now, sadly the moment was ended by book and mouth pushing he kayak off our heads "oh thank god we thought you were re populating in there" mouth said putting his hand on his chest "ewwww I didn't say that" book said swimming over to us, "sorry anyways what happened in there" mouth said with a smirk followed bu book raising his eyebrows up and down "well um I got a gf" book and mouths draws dropped "no way....who?" Mouth said teasingly "oh I wonder who his new gf is" y/n said rolling her eyes playfully "oh so you finally did it?" Book asked turning to me " he finally did it? What do you mean?" Y/n asked confused "yea he has liked you forever but we know how you felt he just never believed us" I turned smirking at my embarrassed gf "um well you liked me to" she said innocently "ah yes but it's a surprise you would like me back pretty lady" she laughed and pushed my shoulder lightly "ok don't get ahead of your heels babe" that caused me to get really flustered "what did I say something?" She asked grinning "nope nothing baby" I said smirking "ok ok enough with the love felt moment we gotta go hit the showers" book said dragging us along with him and mouth. That night y/n snuck into my bed and we cuddled all night my head nuzzled in her neck causing her to giggle sometimes and her legs wrapped around me, if I'm being honest probably one of the bets nights ever.

Authors note
So My apology to Joey fans I went a little crazy in fact I have two Hayes chapters in the making so if you have any request for Joey let me know if not your gonna have to give me some time 😅. Bye babes.

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