Update 1.2 (Week 2) | Sept 8 - Sept 15

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— Don't forget to use the #ACM tag while commenting.

— Due to some delay in the updates, the reports would be accepted till the 17th of September.

— Due to some delay in the updates, the reports would be accepted till the 17th of September

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This week is originally meant to be for members to read from their own group, but due to insufficient member count, the members are allowed to read from any book they wish for this week, be it outside or inside their own group.

This week is originally meant to be for members to read from their own group, but due to insufficient member count, the members are allowed to read from any book they wish for this week, be it outside or inside their own group

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—• Group 1 : Starters

— Author's username: ArshdeepSMultani
Book name: Of Foes and Princes
Chapter length: Below 2K
Weekly reports (report here) →

— Author's username: ArshdeepSMultaniBook name: Of Foes and PrincesChapter length: Below 2KWeekly reports (report here) →

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—• Group 2 : Intermediates

— Author's username: Eadlynn143
Book name: Broken Soul
Chapter length: Below 2K
Weekly reports (report here) → [HIATUS]

— Author's username: bonecrypt
Book name: On the Nature of Love
Chapter length: Below 2K
Weekly reports (report here) →

— Author's username: bonecrypt Book name: On the Nature of LoveChapter length: Below 2KWeekly reports (report here) →

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Group 3 : Finishers

— Author's username: athena-spawn
Book name: First Kiss, Last Wish
Chapter length: Below 2K
Weekly reports (report here) →


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The following people have requested for a hiatus, or extension due to reasons that may hinder their club updates :



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The following people have not requested for a hiatus, or extension and the last week's assignment is incomplete. The assignment must be completed as soon as possible, or to request an extension/hiatus if necessary.

If neither is requested then that member will receive a strike. Too many strikes and they will be removed
from the clubs due to insufficient work :

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