𝗶. 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗹𝘆𝘄𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝘀𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗺.

Start from the beginning

       Miss Olin herself sighed, "We seem to have a skeptic in our midst. Mr. Dennison, would you care to share your California, laid back, tie-dyed, point of view?" The rest of the class laughed but the boy in front of her didn't seem to falter.

         Max sat back more in his seat with a smirk. "Okay. Granted that you guys here in Salem are all into these black cats and witches and stuff...." Miss Olin and the class groaned at his words. Drusilla couldn't even keep in the eye roll.

       "Fine, but everyone here knows that Halloween was invented by the candy companies." More groans from the class. "It's a conspiracy."

      "Wrong," Drusilla said quietly from behind him making his head whip around to the blonde girl, raising an eyebrow at what she had to say.

        Their eyes locked for a second before another voice cut through. "It just so happens that Halloween is based on the ancient feast called All Hallows' eve." Allison Watts cut through turning both of their heads to her.

         "It's the one night of the year that where the spirits of the dead can return to earth." The rest of the class clapped at her words.

      "Well said Allison," Miss. Olin commented and Drusilla inhaled through her nose knowing Allison took the words right out of her mouth.

        Drusilla's eyes drifted to Max as he stood up in front of the whole class making his way to Allison's desk. "Well in case Jimmy Hendrix shows up tonight, here's my number." He handed the paper to her and Drusilla let out a snort making him once again look at her.

        The bell had suddenly rung making everything in that classroom the least important thing in her life as she hurried to get her books and stuff the unwanted things back in her locker.

      Grabbing her coat and slinging it around her shoulders the girl began her walk home from school, an extra spring in her step as the autumn air sent a chill down her spine.

        Another favorite thing to Drusilla, the peaceful walk home. The children and her classmates running around her discussing their plans for this Halloween night, the children ready to eat their weight in candy bars. The crunch of the leaves beneath her feet.

       The blonde girl held her hand out catching the leaves that were falling around her in the palm of her hand like snowflakes, before letting them fall to the ground with the rest of them.

        "Hey!" The peace around her was soon disrupted. It had taken a second for her to realize that whoever it was, was calling out to her, but she figured it out as Max Dennison appeared on his bike beside the girl.

        Drusilla looked up from her feet to lock eyes with the boy as she raised her eyebrows at his interruption. He had made it pretty obvious he had his sights set on the golden girl of Jacob Bailey high, so what was he doing bothering her.

      "Yes?" She questioned not stopping hoping he would leave her alone.

        Still, Max persisted, falling in step with the girl that had spoken up behind him in class. Sure, he had his eyes locked on Allison but the pretty blonde girl who almost spoke up had made him curious.

Everyone in this town seemed to believe in this Halloween stuff including her.

       So he took the same route he did with Allison. "I didn't mean to disrupt your storytime back in class."

       Drusilla shook her head remembering how she almost spoke up in class. "You didn't." She answered the same as the girl he had talked to before except for no warm smile or even much of a look at him. She just kept walking.

        "I'm Max Dennison." He tried again. Not even a look. All she did was press her lips together nodding. Drusilla herself was just hoping he would leave her alone. "So this town really believes in those sisters huh?"

        That question had gotten her attention and he saw it in her face. "Kind of hard not to when all the proof is right here in town." She said finally looking at him, she knew that some people did think it was a tale they told them to keep them from acting out too much on Halloween, Drusilla was not one of those people.

       "Proof? Where exactly is this proof?" He taunted wanting to keep her replying to him.

        "The old Sanderson house. My family owns it now." She answered simply shrugging, knowing the kind of black magic and darkness that house had looming around it. She had only stepped foot in it once after the Watts family passed it over and that was enough for her.

       A knowing look appeared on Max's face at her answer. "So you and your family are those kinds of people..."

       Drusilla let out a dry laugh and to Max's surprise she stopped and turned to him. "To stop you from putting your foot in your mouth, my house is that way so unless you live around there too or plan on following me home it was nice meeting you." She said before taking a left towards her house.

        Max sighed knowing his house was completely the other way and not wanting to follow the poor girl he let her go. He watched her walk away before remembering what he had sought her out for.

         Drusilla had truly thought she had gotten away before his voice rang through the air again. "Wait what's your name?" He called out to her.

        Drusilla only turned around. "Happy Halloween Hollywood!" She said back before turning around knowing that Max was sighing in defeat, but the sound of him peddling was confirmation enough that he had given up on figuring out who she was.

       Drusilla only thought that was good, seeing as she was more than happen to get away from whatever sort of chaos Mr. Hollywood was going to bring to their town.

Drusilla was more than happy to have everything tonight go exactly as she had planned it.


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