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"Mom i swear to Merlin if you don't let me go this instant the train might leave me behind! Actually- thats a brilliant idea! Then i won't have to go to school and make my bloody brain suffer from all the-" I stopped ranting as Mother interrupted me with her index finger, shushing me as she continued to search in her bag for something she possibly lost.

Ignoring her shufflings as i fall into deep thought. It hasn't been that long since i lost my Grandmother. Home doesn't feel the same anymore with my Grandmother gone. She used to be the light of the house. She was always shining even in her 80s, always making everyone happy with her jokes, and doesn't even hesitate to help people in need. The kindest of all.

Mother has been faking everything since then. Although, I don't blame her. She too lost a mother and a best friend. We're all too devastated to feel anything. It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.

(Author's POV)

"Grandma, what do you think of this?" Young Elle asks her Grandmother, Helga as she turned the Canvas to her direction for Helga to see clearly. A beautiful painting of a yellow butterfly, soaring through the wind.

"It is absolutely beautiful, darling. Well done!" Helga complimented her Granddaughter as they both raised their hands for a high five.

Comfortable silence filled the room as both of them continued adding extra details for their own paintings. Elle was first to finish her painting. After a few seconds admiring her work, she moves closer to Helga to see what she has been painting. Two beautiful flowers that she failed to even recognize.

"What kind of flower is that Grandma?" Elle asked, her eyes taking in every detail. "These, My dear, are Chrysanthemums. It symbolizes a lot of things. A white chrysanthemum is a symbol of loyalty and devoted love. A yellow chrysanthemum blossom on the other hand, signifies neglected love or sorrow. In general, chrysanthemums are believed to represent happiness, love, longevity and joy." Helga explained as elle admires the beautiful chrysanthemums.

"I've never seen such beautiful flowers before" Elle replied, in awe. Still starring at the painting.

And so their day went on like that. Painting beautiful Flowers and Butterflies. Not caring about the world, as the two did what they loved most.

(Elle's POV)

"Elle? Elle! Darling, wake up!" I jolted up from my bed, various thoughts running in my head as my mother keeps shouting something i was not able to understand. Oh no..did she find out about the vase i broke three years ago?! i was 8 at the time, I'm sure mother would understand right? Bloody hell i am officially doomed! I shall accept my death- My thoughts are interrupted with my Mother's words. "Your Grandmother is at the hospital!"

It felt like time has stopped as i stare at my mother's shaking figure, wishing this was all a dream. But it wasn't. Mother apparated the both of us to St. Mungo's hospital. There layed my grandmother, looking as weak as ever but a smile plastered on her wrinkled face. I ran to her bed and held her hand, my family followed in suit. "Grandmother you can't leave me please!" I cried, barely containing back my sobs. Mother has told me that she was suffering from a severe case called cancer, a muggle sickness. Whatever that is, they must have a healing potion right? There must be a way for grandmother to live again! Grandmother motioned me to come closer while the rest of my families are talking to the doctors.

"My dear elle, your grandmother is too old. i must leave already for i am weak physically and mentally. Please do understand my reasons. I want you to go on without me." Grandmother forced a weak smile, Her voice almost as loud as a whisper. "But grandmother i-" Grandma held the side of my face, her hands shaking as if it was gonna give up on her any second. My tears, continuously falling, having no control over my own body. "You, my dear, are the Artist of your own life. Don't hand the Paintbrush to anyone else."

"I love you grandmother" i said, my voice barely above a whisper with tears uncontrollably falling down my face. "I love you most."

And with that, she closes her eyes as her final Goodbye to the world. The room fell silent as we all watched our beloved Grandmother, on her death bed. We can only watch her as she passes away. Everyone, devastated, not moving from where they stood. Too shocked to even think.

But one thing caught my eyes, there stood on a flower vase, my grandmother's chrysanthemums.


"Elle!" My thoughts were interrupted by my mother, shaking me frantically. "Sorry mom, got a little lost there. Have you found it? Whatever that is you're looking for." I asked her, trying to stop her from questioning me. "Ah yes here," she revealed a beautiful Bracelet with White Chrysanthemum charms. The bracelet shined as the sun hits its golden charms. Starring at it for too long, Mother spoke,"This belonged to your Grandmother when she was little. She took it off when it was becoming too tight on her. She passed it down to me and then ofcourse i had you. I decided to just hide it and lend it to you once you are old enough. I suppose now is the right time." Mother clasped the bracelet around my wrist as she gave me a thoughtful smile.

I hugged her and whispered a quiet thank you as we bid our Goodbyes. I waved at her one last time before i turned around to board the train.

Well this is it, My journey to a new start. Even though i hate school so much i wish i could just sit in my art room and paint away- My thoughts are, once again, interrupted by the sound of the train. Seriously though, what is it with everyone interrupting me?! Bloody hell.

To Be Continued...

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