After my room was ready I was walking around it trying to use everything at once. I also had to begin sorting my closet before it would get ruined.

I decided to facetime my cousin back in New York the one who was my roommate. She was annoying at times but we were there for each other.

"Heeyyy oh my god what happened to your face? Those parents actually suck and you were better here?", she said.

"No it wasn't them it was a social worker who is arrested. I am good though it is a lot better. I just wanted to shownI decorated my room.", I answered.

My dad showed up he sat in one of my new bubble chairs he was just observing me on them phone smiling. I was showing my cousin everything explaining the other ideas I was going to add in the future. I just felt an off vibe from her.

"Wow I see why your mom left me that purse you get everything you want, I bet you were just waiting to leave us..."

"How could you say that, how could you assume that", I interupted her.

"Yeah you just want money and the luxury bet if it wasn't for your mom you wouldnt talk to us. You know what maybe I should get the family gold necklace instead of you. You're not living close to them. ", I felt a sucken feeling in my chest.

"I wasn't bragging I just wanted to show you that it looked cool. I appreciate that I have these things but it doesnt beat family.", I defended myself.

"Prove it tell grandma to give me your gold chain", she said.

"¡¡Estás loca!! ¡Que tu piensas necesitas ayuda! That is an heirloom it holds history and heritage it so valuable in story. There is no way I am giving it up, you can stay mad.", I said.

"Dont call me ever again", she hung up.

I looked at my dad lost then the tears going down my eyes I felt all the feelings I was trying to hold on the call. I knew if I cried there she would of teased me endlessly.

"What did I do", my dad stood up and hugged me.

"Absolutely nothing wrong", he said, "things are changing especially since you have changed environment. You know because you come from money they tend to look at you different for that. Some won't share it until the jealousy hits them and your cousin did it in your face today. A dad note I always thought Jenny was entitled I was worried you shared a house with her."

"She was I couldn't show up with anything you bought that was designer or of that nature. There was a reason I always left my school shoes with you. I either had to bring a second pair or cough it up.", I said.

"Sounds like she is just mad she can't get your stuff now, that is not your problem. Trust that your grandparents will pass it down to you to pass it down.", he said, "Why don't you call them see how they are doing show them your room you know they love you.", he said.

"Oh I like that, man I already am missing not being able to visit them as often. Puerto Rico I was looking forward to going.", I said thinking about the beach.

"Call them up ask them whats the surprise.", he smiled.

I called them up and we started talking catching up my dad by then left the room. I showed them everything in my room and explained my face because they were gonna hop on a flight to beat up my dad . Then I asked what my dad had said surprise they made me go find Dad and Bey.

That is when they told me I was going to Puerto Rico in September on a family trip with my mom side. My dad was gonna go with me to supervise me half of the trip and I could stay with my grandparents.

I am beyond excited I could pack my bags right now, this was the best thing ever. I was thanking and hugging everyone I could along with jumping for the trip. 

That is when they called again.

"Mija que tú no nos quieres y estás hablando mal de nosotros", my grandma said.

"No nunce abuela como que yo voy hablar mal de ustedes. Yo los amo"  I responded.

"La Jenny me dijo que andabas hablando mal de nosotros y tu sabes que ella nos dice todo", she said.

"What she say?", my dad asked.

"Ay Shawn tu papá esta allí, your daughter talking trash about me and her grandfather her cousin told me", she said.

"Her cousin is lying.", he answered.

"How you know?", she asked.

"She hasn't said anything but good thing about you and she was concerned about what Jenny was gonna say. She just talked to her and Jenny was mad she didn't have her room."

"¿Es cierto Kynedy?"

"Sí le enseñe mi cuarto también pero sé enojó por que ella no tenie mi cuarto nuevo y no me puede quitar mis cosas. Ella quiere que deje la joyas que me prometiste."

"I was there I can confirm big ol crocodile tears", dad added.

"Thank you so you really love me? Me vas ayudar limpiar la casa cuándo llegas", my grandpa asked.
(Are you gonna help me clean?)

"Si antes de irme tambien", I assured.
(Yeah and even when I about to leave)

"Yo voy hablar con la Jenny arreglar su boca tu no te preocupes de nada. Nos vemos el Septiembre pero no te olvides háblanos mija de vez en cuándo.", my grandma finished
( I will talk to Jennyy and fix her mouth don't worry about nothing. I will see you in September don't forget to call every once in a way my babygirl)

"I promise never to forget you", I said.

She hung up and my dad just smiled at me.

"See all you gotta do is talk it out your grandma loves you so much. Ay we going on a walk on the beach you wanna join us?"

"Yeah, is it good time to go swimming?", I asked.

"It might be too cold now its 80 but at the beach it is much cooler and the water is cold. Hold off till the weekend, we going to the beach with family", my dad said.

"Ok cool, let me grab my bag", I said.

"Can I have your phone by the way, I know you can't survive. I just wanna see if I can upgrade it later", dad said.

"Sure I mean I got a camera and you are gonna let me play music on your phone at the beach", I handed hom the phone.

"Yeah I will probably have anew one for you tomorrow", he said.

"Thank you, you didn't have to I think it works fine"

"Nah don't worry about it Kyd", he smiled.

Kynedy CarterWhere stories live. Discover now