Chapter 931 - 940

Start from the beginning

Over there, Feng Jiu had already settled into her cave dwelling. On top of the original formation, she had also laid out an additional formation around the cave dwelling so that even if someone had come to her cave dwelling, they wouldn’t be able to enter her realm.

After rectifying the formations, she saw that the sky had turned dark and flew out of the formation on her feather. She had planned on going to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat. However, as soon as she flew out, she saw the main peak had been surrounded by students.

Chapter 932: Bully Me Because I m Young

However, before she had even gotten near, the crowd of students at the bottom of the main peak had already noticed her.

“Look! Over there, he’s over there!”

In an instant, nearly everyone was looking in her direction, anger in their eyes, as if she had done something horribly wrong.

“What?” She raised her eyebrows as she hovered over their heads on her flying feather. She had intended to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. However, some of the students below had picked up stones and threw it at her.

“Kill him! What right does a student from Six Star Academy have to be our teacher!”

“Yes! Kill him! I heard that the spiritual energy in the sacred cultivation ground was exhausted by him. It’s because of him that we won’t be able to cultivate for a few years, he’s cut off our cultivation resources. He’s inhumane!”

“Let him die!”

“Kick him out!”

The pieces of stones continued to be thrown up at her. Because the students on the ground had cultivation strength, the stones were thrown up with some strength and height behind them.

As Feng Jiu was not prepared for the rain of stones that came at her, a stone struck her foot, and the pain angered her. With a whoosh, she flew up further into the sky as she glared angrily at the crowd.

“You are too much! You dare to throw stones at me! Is there no respect at all?”

Before she spoke, it wasn’t too bad. But after she spoke, in addition to the stones, some of the students threw flying swords at her.

As she looked at the stones flying at her and the flying swords, she snorted coldly: “Since you have no respect for your elders, then I shall teach you a lesson.”

As soon as she had spoken, she stood up on her flying feather and waved her sleeve. There seemed to be a faint powder that fell through the air and covered the top to the bottom of the mountain. With the raise of her hand, the two swords that were coming towards her fell between the crotches of two of the students instead.

The two students felt a sharp blow as they saw a flash before their eyes. They felt a coldness between their legs, and when they looked down, they broke out in cold sweat from fear.

They saw that their pants had been sliced open by the swords, even their underpants had been cut open. Had the sword gone any further, they would have been castrated.

The two of them took a deep breath and clamped their legs together instinctively as they looked up pale faced at the figure of red in the sky. They weren’t sure if they should thank him for his mercy or say that he was ruthless.

“Hiss! It’s so itchy, what’s the matter? Why is it so itchy?”

“Me too, I’m itchy all over, what’s going on?”

“Ah! It’s so itchy!”

She listened to the crowd below as they had stopped throwing stones at her and started scratching themselves.

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