. vending machine

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chapter one

pit pat pit pat

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pit pat pit pat

the rain hit against your class window, filling the quiet classroom with it's soft sound. you've always liked the rain, you found it relaxing and the atmosphere of the cloudy days comforting.

tapping your paper with your pen, you bit the inside of your cheek, eyebrows furrowed at the question.

"what career path do you have in mind?"

you didn't know what to do with your future, life has always been a grey blob in your eyes and you never really thought too much into it; just something simple that'll get you through life fine.

"ahem." your teacher suddenly cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the class. "now, if you haven't written anything down that's okay. take it home and give it some thought, it's due at the end of the week." he announced as the class immediately started to chatter up a storm.

your eyes gradually made their way back to your empty sheet of paper. nothing.


"yo! did you fill out your form during homeroom?" your friend, yori, skipped over to you with a piece of chocolate bread in her hand.

you glanced up at her with your head on your desk before letting out a big sigh. "nope, you?"

"nah me neither." she replied, pulling up a random chair. "you're like extra tired today, what's up?" she noticed your mood being more down than normal today.

"do i? maybe it's cuz the rain, it's making me sleepy." you answered, letting a small yawn leave your mouth.

"hmm.." she hummed, narrowing her eyes at you suspiciously. "what..?" you stuttered at her weird gaze.

"i dunno, are you maybe.. hiding something from me?" she accused, leaning slightly towards you.

taken aback by her words, you sat up from your desk and stared back at her with a similar expression.

"what could i possibly be hiding from my best friend?" you asked, sarcastically. "who knows! you're kinda weird so honestly could be anything." she winked.

"awh thank you, that makes me feel great." you blinked before getting up from your desk.

"where ya going?" she called after you.

"getting a drink." you answered, stuffing your hands into your pockets and fiddling around with the coins in your pocket.

walking out of the classroom, you were greeted by the loud chattering of different students and some just loitering around the halls. making your way up the stairs to get to the vending machine, you passed tons of people who were all grouped up; really made you feel like the odd one out.

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