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It was a early morning, 6 a.m. Dash felt like needles were poking her in the head over and over. She rubbed her head as she lay on her bed, memory's flooding back. Things had changed since the griffins attacked. How did this all begin? Too early to wake up, why'd she set her timer up that early?

6:48 am

Dash groaned and climbed out of bed, wondering how many years had passed since the princess vanished. Back then, every pony went insane.

She stretched out her wings, while yawning their first attack was successful, spitfire sent out around 85 recruits along with rapid fire, mistyfly and surprise to scout they came upon about 40 griffins they were out numbered, But with claws and beaks they killed around 56 of us, lucky we managed to kill them.

Dash trotted over to her bathroom, she looked herself in the mirror. Her mane was messy as usual, she looked around for her toothbrush. Wondering if the others have woken up already. She added toothpaste and started brushing. It was gonna be a long day of training. Spitfire usually sends out around 5 recruits and one of the ranks out on a patrol and they would switch.

Dash paused. Wavechill went out last time, after a wave was.. "OH CRAP!" Dash quickly cleaned herself and exited her room. She came to a halt near the entrance when she noticed the only pony was there was her caption, spitfire.

"Your late." She frowned. Dash folded her ears, "I know, sorry caption. It won't happen again." Dash apologized lowering her head slightly. "Your never late, is there something wrong?" Spitfire inquired, rising an eyebrow. Dash glanced up. She'd expect her to reprimand her.

"Well, no it's just that my head hurts alittle." Dash replied, rubbing her head. "Sorry." She added. Spitfire nodded, "alright.. once you feel better you can join the dawn patrol." Dash puffed out her chest. "Yes ma'am." Than asked, "who took on morning patrol?" While spitfire was about to head out, she responded, "Blaze."



Dash made her way towards the cafeteria, the fresh smell of breakfast enticing her. Dash grabbed herself a plate of pancakes with her wings, possibly two or three on the plate. She looked around for a place to eat, there was a bunch of recruits eating and chatting. Her gaze was drawn to Fleetfoot, Misty fly, fire streak, lightning streak and surprise, there was only one seat left next to fleetfoot and lightning streak.

Dash quickly approached the table with her breakfast, "hey guys, is this seat taken?" She asked. Fleetfoot glanced up at her, "nope! Have a seat." With that Dash put her plates down and sat comfortably down. "So what are y'all talking about?" Dash asked. "Well, about the war.. heh." Misty rubbing her head. "Yeah, I wonder when this will be over.." firestreak groaned. "Seriously do you ever think the princesses are even gonna come back.. I'm not even sure how long they've been gone for." He went on to say.

"What were their names again?" Misty asked, "we're there five..? Wait no.. ugh I forgot." Fire banged his head against the table. "I think their name was yellow, blue and pink." Surprise joked. "Weren't there four?" Lightning stated his mouth still full of food. "Geez lighting no eating while talking!" Fleetfoot remained him. Dash laughed alittle and began eating one of her pancakes, "so Dash.. have any news? We're kind of bored." Fleet groaned. Dash swallowed her food and looked at the five of them, fleet was frowning, surprise and lightning playing with their food, Misty having her head down on the table tiredly and fire streak was cleaning his plate. "hm, I don't know what to talk about.. honestly."

Fleet let out a groan and shoved her fork-equipped pancake into her mouth, her eyes widening and she began to choke, "ACK, HELP DASH." Dash slapped her across the back, causing the fork to fly out and land on the floor. "Geez thanks." She took a few deep breaths. "Are you all right?" Dash asked, raising one brow, "no and yeah." Fleet responded sighing deeply. Dash rolled her eyes and returned to her pancakes.

Dash swallowed her last pancake. "So where's the others?" She asked. "Oh rapid is probably oversleeping again, wave is probably with soarin, and high winds.. I'm not really sure where she is at." Fleet answered. Dash nodded in reply.

The others had left and thrown their breakfast away, it was fleet and dash only. "Thanks for waiting for me." Dash thanked, "yeah of course." Fleet gave a friendly winked. Rainbow grabbed her tray and tossed it into a near by garbage. She made her way down the corridor. Fleet leaped alongside her. "So where are you headed?" She asked. "I have to do some warm ups." Dash responded. "Ah ha.." fleet snorted. When they came across thunderlane and rapid fire they came to a halt.

"Hi guys." Fleet greeted, "hey." Rapid yawned, "where are you guys heading to?" Dash asked. "Cafeteria, where you guys off to?" Thunderlane asked. "Well I'm headed towards the back of the compound to do my warm up." Dash answered and glanced at fleet, fleet ears perked up. "Oh uh I'm just gonna meet up with Misty later."

"Well good talk I guess.. we'll see y'all later." Thunderlane said as he walked away with rapid. Dash and fleet was still standing in the hallway, "So I'll see you later too. Bye dash." Fleet waved her hoof. "Yeah cya." Dash waved goodbye back and looked at the opposite hallway.

Before she could go anywhere, her ears twitched as a sudden faint quiet voice echoed in her head, it won't be long until she gets out.

Dash shook her head that voice sounded some what.. familiar? "Ugh must be my headache.." dash groaned rubbing her head as she began walking towards the back of the compound.

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