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The Next Day

I went over to Jacob's house the day after hanging out with Bella. I really enjoyed hanging out with him, he became my best friend. We were hanging out in his garage just talking.

"So, is Mike still bothering you?" he asked jokingly.

"Yeah, luckily I'm able to avoid his advances. Mostly." I chuckled.

"Hey, maybe dating him wouldn't be so bad?" he suggested. Hearing him say that hurt me, but I didn't show it.

"No," I laughed, shaking my head, "don't wanna make an enemy out of Jessica."

Jacob laughed along with me, but his attention quickly turned to the truck driving down his road. Bella. The truck parked and looked like it had something in the back covered by a tarp.

Jacob quickly jogged out of the garage and towards his crush while I slowly walked behind him. "Bella, where the hell have you been, loca?" He joked, enveloping her in a hug and twirling her around while she laughed. This set a dull ache in my chest. I knew he liked her, but I still wish that was me.

"I, uh, brought you something," Bella explained, "It's a little crazy." She brought up the tarp to reveal two motorcycles. "Wow, scrap metal. You shouldn't have." Jacob teased. I stood quietly in the background, neither of them noticing me. If they did, they didn't bother to show it.

Bella explained that she wanted to fix them with Jacob, and he agreed. I realized that I wasn't part of the conversation and that I should probably go. "I'm gonna head off." I interrupted, Jacob turning his head towards me. "Alright, see you later." he quickly said before turning his attention back to Bella. She then realized I was there and gave me an awkward wave goodbye. I nodded back at her before getting into my Beetle and driving off.

On the way home I blasted my music. How could Jacob just ignore me? And how could Bella not even realize I was there? Am I really just that disposable? Calm down, Y/N. You can't let this get to you. Some boy isn't gonna make you diminish your worth.

As soon as I got home I went to my room, put on my headphones and played more music. Music calmed me. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. I decided it's probably best to channel my frustration into something, so I decided to draw.

Before I knew it, I had a completed art piece. And it was late. Mom had come home and cooked dinner, I quickly ate and went back to my artwork. She noticed I was in a bad mood, so she left me by myself. I'm grateful she understands me.


Weeks went by and Jacob and I started hanging out less and less. I would call and ask to come over, but Bella was already there and he wanted to be alone with her. I understood, but it still hurt. To know that she was more important than me, and that there was nothing I could do about it. Jake's friends, Quil and Embry, even called to ask why I wasn't around anymore. I had hung out with them along with Jake a couple times, so it was weird to not see them anymore. I lied and told them that I was busy with school, the SAT and such. They were disappointed but understood.

At school I kept sitting with my group, even though sometimes Jess and Mike could be annoying. I enjoyed having somewhere I felt like I belonged. One day Angela and Eric were arguing about a creature- or bear, whatever, when Bella sat with us. She joined the conversation about the "bear" which helped Angela win her argument. I had a quick laugh at her smugness.

I kept talking to Jess, Angela, and Eric about whatever Angela saw while Mike talked to Bella. He was obviously hitting on her, to my delight. He would finally give up on me... hopefully. They seemed to be talking about a movie when Bella turned to us. "Do you guys wanna go see Face Punch?" she asked the rest of the group. Mike looked hurt and I felt bad for him, but he should have expected this. Bella isn't really ready for anything right now. We all agreed to go together, but Jessica didn't seem all that up to it.

That Friday, I was standing outside of the movie theater waiting for everyone else when Mike arrived. "Hey, Y/N. Excited for the movie?" he asked, nudging me.

I laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, sure am. Do you think the others will show up soon?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Yeah. By the way, how are you getting your ticket? You're only 17 right?" he questioned.

"Oh, Bella was gonna buy it for me and I'll pay her back," I shrugged.

"Oh, I'll just buy it for you. You don't have to pay me back," he winked at me. Gross. But, I wasn't one to pass up free things.

"Sure, sounds good." I smiled.

"What sounds good, Y/N/N?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I turned to see Jacob with a wide grin behind me. Oh, the things that smile did to me. I gave him a quick hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked excitedly. "Bella invited me." he smiled back. Those words made my smile falter a bit, but I refused to let it show. We hadn't hung out in a while, so I was happy just to see him. Jacob turned to Mike, who was just standing there awkwardly. "So, Face Punch, huh. You like action movies." he asked Mike in a bored tone.

"Not really." he answered, to which Jacob chuckled.

"I heard it sucks. Bad." Jacob stated. I rolled my eyes. He was clearly just trying to intimidate Mike.

"You know, are you even old enough to see this movie?" Mike taunted, "You know, without adult supervision?"

"Well, yeah, Bella's buying the ticket for me." Jacob retorted. Mike knew this from what I said earlier, he just wanted to bother Jake.

I sighed in annoyance. This is gonna be a long night. Bella walked up to the three of us. "Jessica bailed, Angela got sick with the stomach flu, so Eric's taking care of her," she explained.

"So it's just us four?" I questioned, knowing the answer.

"Yup." she responded with an awkward smile. Both of the boys had their full attention on her, obviously.

"Great." Jacob said.

"Great." Mike repeated.

We finally got our tickets and some soda before heading into the theater.

We were watching the movie, which was pretty cheesy, but in a funny way, when I looked over at the scene beside me. Both boys had their arms on the armrest in case Bella wanted to hold it, Mike looked like he was gonna vomit, Bella looked bored, and Jacob looked excited. I quietly sighed and looked back at the screen. Suddenly, Mike blurted, "I think I'm gonna be sick," and ran off to the bathroom.

The three of us walked out of the theater behind him. He ran into the bathroom and started vomiting, very loudly. You could hear it all the way from the hallway. "Jeez." Bella muttered.

"What a marshmallow," Jacob laughed, "You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit."

I was lagging behind them, so they didn't really acknowledge me, which hurt. But I didn't speak up.

"Yeah, I'll keep my eye open for that," Bella teased. I could tell that by now both of them had some sort of feeling for each other, so I decided to stay behind.

I didn't want to ruin the moment they were having, whatever it was. I waited outside of the bathroom for Mike. Leaning against the wall, I let out a sigh. I was losing the boy I've had a crush on for months now to one of my friends. It isn't either of their faults. Neither of them knew how I felt. Mike came out of the bathroom looking pale. He walked down the hall towards Bella and Jacob and I trudged behind him.

"I need to go home." Mike stated bluntly. Jacob and Bella just stared at him as he stared back and I was there just staring at all of it, not knowing what to do. "I-I was feeling sick before the movie, okay?" he stuttered. Jacob scoffed at him. "What is your problem?" Mike questioned.

"Right now, you're my problem." Jacob griped, "Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the Hospital." There was a small silence after this before Jacob continued. "You want me to put you in the hospital?" he threatened.

Bella pulled him back by his hand, "Jake. Jake, Jake, the movie's over. What are you doing?"

I had never seen Jake like this. He's always been this carefree person, but right now he doesn't seem like himself. "You're really hot. Like you feel like you have a fever, are you okay?" Bella asked concerningly. "I don't know what's happening." Jake answered truthfully, "I gotta go."

With that he sped out before any of us could stop him. What is going on with him?

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